WAO=Wet op de arbeidsongeschiktheidsverzekering
This regulation protects workers who become invalid during work.
You will get 65% of last earned salary if you are declared 100% unsuitable to work under this regulation.
This regulation protects workers who become jobless after a certain time of employment.
How much you pay for insurance depends on if you are privately insured or via Ziekenfonds(you can't choose, your employer will tell you), if you can choose an insurance by yourself, and how much 'own risk' you are willing to take each year. You will have enough information about this once you talked to your employee. I think its around 100 euro per person per month, it's really depending on your own situation.
Pension, again, is depending on your employer, you will get information on this when you talk to your employer. I think you don't have to buy pension.
About if you should bring your wife to here, well, I think to be together and have a family life is more important than saving some hunderds of euro's per month. One other thing is a more important factor though, it is the fact that your wife is not allowed to work within the first 3 years. So unless she plans to study here as well, life will be very boring for her. |