I think Naomi's schedule is perfect, almost the same as Norah. Young babys can only keep themselves awake for around 2 hours, If you force them to be awake for longer period they will be overtired very quikly and difficult to settle down later. So I think you should still let your Naomi sleep for 30 to 45 munites in the early evening. otherwise she will be very annoyed during your dinner time.
Norah's schedule is as follow:
9:30 - 11:00 morning nap
12:30 - 15:00 afternoon nap
16:45 -15:30 early evening nap
19:30 - 7:30 night sleeping.
I also tried to skip her evening nap, but she became very frustrated during our dinner time, and also refuses her dinner because of overtiredness. So I think you better not try it, hehe. I think Naomi is just like Norah, they are those sleepy babys (the doctor told me), and it's not a bad thing, it's very good for their brain development. and after they are awake, their mind is clearer and can concentrate more which results in learning thing quikly.
Sorry, I'm at work, typing english is easier for me 
[ 本帖最后由 shadow_of_soul 于 2009-3-4 08:55 编辑 ] |