“Thanks so much for the quick response,Firstly i want you to understand that i'm from Paris in France and I'm buying this item for my grandson who is on vacation with his mum who works for the France embassy in west africa as a birthday gift and paying you the exact price you want for it because its needed as a matter of urgency by my grandson who i'm buying it for and also I have searched on the internet myself to know the shipping cost and its around 40.00Euro through (TNT PRIORITY MAIL) ,so i'm offering you a sum of 165.00 Euro including shipping cost for this item and will be sending you the money in a very fast and secured way which I've been using for the past 2 years, which is either via bank transfer for auction payment or paypal.So if this is okay by you,get back to me with either your paypal account details such as :
Name :
Paypal account email address:
Address and phone number :
Or your bank account details such as :
Name :
Bank name :
Bank account number:
Bic code :
Once i have either your paypal account details or bank account details payment will be made ASAP
Thanks and God bless.”
发件人未署名,但是邮件地址名字为Mrs Anita John 不管对方究竟是男是女,先当”她”
这张邮件看似没有什么问题,貌似交易也为合法收段, 所以我就答应了 因为没有paypal,而且开通需要几天才能生效,所以我选择了银行转账,并把我的银行信息给了对方.很快第二天我就收到了来自citibank的confirmation,说对方已经把钱转到了citibank,通知我尽快将物品寄出,并把收据发给citibank以领取payment. (后来知道所谓citibank的邮件也是假的)
How are you today ?,This is to inform you that i have made the payment of 165.00 Euro ,so check your email very well and your bulk folder to see if payment has been approved and the confirmation has been send to you because i just received a confirmation and also money has been deducted from my account, If you have received the confirmation email Kindly go to the post office and ship the items out through TNT PIORITY MAIL and get back to me with all the shipment details (tracking number).Hope you understand and hope to hear back from you soonest. And once again bellow is the shipping address for my grandson :
NAME : Kemi Adebanjo
ZIPCODE : 23409
PHONE NUMBER :+2348033994596
Thanks and hope to read back from you soonest.
Its nice doing business with you..
有了citibank做担保,我觉得没什么问题所以就按对方给的地址 去邮局把东西寄出去,因为对方要求比较急,我正好今天下午还有点时间,所以就赶紧去了邮局.但是到了邮局,工作人员说要是通过TNT PRIORITY到Nigeria需要25欧,而不是对方说的40欧,还有时间需要9-15天 而不是5-7天.我就问邮局能不能再快点,回复是94欧,我想算了 寄个东西花这么多邮费太不合算了,就选择了25欧的寄了出去.回来以后我马上给对方发邮件,我当时是真的很不好意思,又是道歉又是什么的,生怕错过了对方孙子的生日, 并要求把多出来的15欧还给对方.你想一个老人为了孙子这么用心良苦,却因为邮寄时间太长不能把事情做的完美,是多么的遗憾.结果对方是这么回复我的:
Thanks so much for the transaction,make sure you send the tracking number to my bank email address : pay.sellers@count.com for verification and kindly also send me the pictures of the phone so that i can forward it to my grandson so that he can see what he will be recieveing and concerning the shipment cost ,its not a problem at all but i will like you to assist me as follow : My grandson called me this morning to send him some amount of money (200 Euro) but unfortunately i'm presently attending a confrence on behalf of my company which means i'm not allowed to go to western union office where i can send him the money,so now i will contact my bank and make an additiona payment of 200 euro to your payment which means that the total payment that will be transfered into your bank account will be 165 + 200 = 365 so as soon as you get the payment in your bank account you will help me to send the money through western union to my grandson and use the 15 euro left for the western union fee for sending the money.I hope you can do this for me not for free okay ? as i'm willing to pay you 50 euro for this service so that means that the total amount that will come to your bank account will be 165 for the phone + 200 the money my grandson needs + 50 euro for the help = 415 Euro .I hope you understand what i mean and i can trust you on this ?
Thanks and God bless.
我因为邮寄的时间过长,那么内疚,想不到对方一点问题都没有,并且让我继续帮她.这个时候我起了疑心,我们仅仅在网上做了一个交易,为什么对方这么信任我,而我凭什么信任她.良心人人都有,而帮助要建立在互信的基础上.这个时候我仍然没有意识到自己已经被骗,所以给她回复把手机的照片传给她,并且打算事后马上把收据scan给对方银行以领取payment.因为照片过大,传送的时间挺长,所以我就尝试着google了一下citibank auction,结果出来可把我吓坏了,有一个贴子正好来自marktplaats,点击进去一看,原来好多人也经历过这样的事情,我生怕自己看错了,把上面的留言成篇成篇的翻译,这时候我意识到我真的被骗了,于是我飞奔去了邮局.算我幸运,还好,东西还没有被寄出去,邮局大叔人很好也帮我办了refund,只是包装盒的钱不能退了,因为已经用过了.我已经很满足了,大部分损失都挽回了.谢天谢地.
最后希望大家在网上购物和交易一定要小心, 虽然不是所有人都是坏人,但是小心一下还是好的.另外,银行是不为个人提供担保的,就是这个事例中假citibank作为中间人的角色.当时不知道的,是后来朋友告诉我的.过去在marktplaats上面的交易都比较愉快,可能使我一时放松了警惕.这次被骗对我来说是个教训,与大家分享是不想让这样的事情再发生,不想再有人受伤害.希望大家互相提醒,特别是Nigeria case.
[ 本帖最后由 Aquarius 于 2009-2-17 00:49 编辑 ] |