虽然还没有结果,同时自己也犯了不少错误,这里来介绍下经验.如果你和你的学校发生的矛盾,先不要和学校沟通,因为你不知道你有什么权利,所以你就不知道自己的底线,:打这个电话0031 70 4123456 网站是:http://www.minocw.nl/ 你告诉接电话的你的学校,他会帮你查你的学校是初等 ,中等 ,职业,还是高等,不同的学校有不同的机构监督和投诉!然后他会给你电话,你打过去就可以找到组织帮助你了.像职业学校可以找SRVA 电话是 +31 20 59 89422 网站是http://www.srvu.org/ .他们会很热情的帮助你.比如你要找律师他会告诉你那个城市的律所电话,同时他也会帮助你解决问题,我的问题太复杂他让我找律师不过也一直发email给我告诉我应该怎么做.如果问题比较简单你有很清楚知道自己的权利和想要什么,可以和学校商量,这样不至于影响学习,如果是畜生学校,可以先找CITY HOME,他们会帮你和学校调节,如果问题不复杂,也能很顺利解决.大使馆的教育局的网址是http://www.chinaembassy.nl/chn/jy/jycllfsjdwkfsj/t469679.htm
2009年1月18号开始找学校退钱,一开始学校经理说只能退我1%4的学费,让我2009年9月1号离开学校,因为这个学校的师资和教学设备实在是不行,所以我想在这个学校读个半年了算了,退回我1%2的学费,学校经理的解释是学校只有9月1号才可以放假. 因为这个学校基本上每个月都有人来,每个月也都有人走,所以她的解释是站不住脚的.
在给她说了些我的理由后,2009年2月10日,学校经理在电话里面答应我退我一半的学费,让我读到7月份,并且要我告诉她7月具体什么时候离开学校,还让我把银行卡给她.当天我就回复她了,打电话给她让她查收,她让我全用英文给写给她,我又再发给了她一遍.后来她她发给我一封email 回答她三个问题.当天我也回答她了.第二天中午差不多上完课,我打电话给学校经理不接,一个助教告诉她我在门口等她,她让助教转告我她不想和我说话,让我回复她email只用YSE OR NO. 回答她这三个问题以后,她再也没有回复过我email了,我打电话给她,她接了以后说:你以后别打电话给我了,我不想很说话,去找个最好的律师来和我说. 我傻了.....
后来助教带我去找她老公 ,学校的董事.说和董事谈下试试看.我抱着希望去找董事了.他带我到了一个没有人的办公室,告诉我必须这样必须那样,告诉我只能和他一个人谈这个事情...还有很多XXXX因为没有证据,不能写在这里,要是办公司有摄像头就好了,学校的经理是中国人,也肯能是GGD的会员!事情这样已经吓倒我了,刚刚来荷兰人生地不熟的,难以置信一个学校的董事会说出那样的话,结果回来以后又收到他的一封email, 说我今天到了他学校大喊大叫威胁员工,说我什么欺骗荷兰政府和他的学校,诽谤!!!自己做了什么却还要诽谤我,我的几个同学可以证明我绝对没有做那样的事情.
20th July ,2008 I started to apply to the school
26th August,2008 I received the offer of the school
29th August ,2008 I sent the postal order for 10650euro to the school
5th September,2008 The school told me that they had received money
From that on to 20th November,2008 .I had asked the manager of the school several times about my visa ,she always said:you would get news next week or within two weeks .When i claim to refund my tuition fee, the manager of the school sent a email:it is no problem to start refund procedure if there is no more news until next week. But two weeks later i had not got any news ,when i called to the manager of the school and asked her to refund my tuition.she always said :you would get you visa soon ,and promised to refund my tuition fee from 1th September 2008 to the day i entered to the school. i got the news on 19th December ,2008 .
23th December ,2008.I got the visa,then the school gave me a email :welcome you on the second week of January ( January 5th).
6th January ,2009 .I arrived in the Netherlands .After two weeks studying ,I found it was obvious that the school is shortage of teachers and teaching facilities .I wanted to leave this school as soon as possible.
18th January ,2009 i asked about refund tuition fee,the assistant said :the manager was not in the Netherlands ,asked me to give a email to her .
20th January 2009 , i gave a email to the manager about refund tuition fee .
dear manager !
i give this mseeage to you for about my tuition fee , i have called you when i was in china , for i should have been netherlands in september 2008,but i came here in january 2009. and i have to get mark of ielts at 6.5 before june ,if i got it ,i will go to Vrije Universiteit Rotterdam for my master studying and if not i have to go back to china . because i have not enough money for so long study . so i called you ,and told you about that, you said you will refund several months tuition fees to me , now i make sure how much money the school will refound and
when the momey can give to me. nb :i just to study here half an year.
26th January 2009.The manager replyed:
Dear groene:
If you leave us before 1st September 2009 and follow the deregistration procedure of Wittenborg completely. You are entitled of ¼ of the tuition fee refund. Your registration will be Jan 09 to 1st September 09, instead of Jan 2010.The refund will be sent back to your bank account within 2 weeks of your deregistration procedure is completed.
I hope this is clear to you,
26th January 2009
dear mannger
I am sure that i will leave wittenborg will at 1st jun , because the business of my father is not good last
year.and my registration will be Jan 09 to june 09.just half an year .i have asked my universty teacher. she finished his degree in Leiden University.the school should refund one term of tuition to me.can you explay why just 1%4 of the tuition fee be refund .
would you please tell me the total of tuition fee to me ?and how much will the school will refund to me?
thans very much
student :groene
27th January 2009
Dear Dong:
Academic year will be finished by 1st September 2009. There is no registration finishing on 1st of June.
School manager
28th January 2009
dear manager
XX is the same time wiht me came to this school, we both study here half an year (a term).and we will leave the same time ,how do you say no registration finishing on 1st of June .our agency have told me that thing .i hope dear manager give me a good response .i must leave in June.i think i just take one term,school refound me 1%4 tuition fees ,it is too less.and i want to know how much
money the school will refond !
30th January 2009
Dear manager
How about my tuition fee? I am real care bout it !
2th February 2009
dear groene
Yes, I fully understand your concern. I am now explain to you of the refund possibility:
1, School's official policy can be found at
which has been published to all students for many years.
2, we had telephone conversation last year while waiting for your visa and during my staying in China. you explained to me that your planning was to study one year prep course from sept 08 to sep 09 and then further your master study. herefore, delayed arrival caused by delayed visa can only
provide you with further registration at Wittenborg in the foundation course is no useful for you; which I have understood. Therefore I have offered you the refund of part of your tuition fee due to the delayed starting date of your prep course at school. Sept 2008-Jan 2009 is a quarter of the academic year of 2008-2009, and therefore you are given the refund offer from me, personally, as totally 1800.- euro (1/4 of 7200.- euro).
3, based on the above mentioned refund, your new registration will be finished on the 1st of September 2009, whichh is the possible official finishing date of registration.
4, June 2009 is your personally planning in leaving us, if this is your plan, however this will fall under the nonrefund policy and will have no further possible refund. http://www.
It is possible to discuss this in person urgently withXX, General Manager, in the admin office, to
help you to understand the policy.if you prefer to discuss with me in person, it is possible to come to see me next Monday 09 Feb afternoon at 14:00 in the admin office.
I hope this is clear to you and see you around,
School manager
Then we had a talk in 09 Feb afternoon at 14:00 in the admin office,For she explained about my tuition fee with fast english ,it was very hard for me to understand . When i asked for her to speak chinese (becaust she is a chinere)she refused and told me i just could speak English.I asked why i would not speak Chinese ,she said:it was the rule of the school.at last she asked me out of the office ,and sent email to her if i had some questions .
After that i did not know what could i do .
9th February 2009
I sent several email to school manager ,told her that i just wanted to study in her school half an year ,and asked her refund my half of tuition fee.I complained about shortage of teachers and teaching facilities in her school,and there were students entered and leaved the school each month ,her reason that academic year will be finished by 1st September 2009. There is no registration finishing on 1st of June to refused refunding my half of my tuition fee did not hold water.
10th February 2009 . The school promised to refund half of my tuition fee and i could leave the school July 2009 the same to my classmate XX ,she asked me to give her a email for telling her the exact day of my leaving and number of my bank card .Then i gave her email which he requested
10th February 2009 : 21 30
Dear manager
I demand school give me a a fair and equitable request, be based upon the reasons i have said in the emails . i demand school refund me half of tuition fee ,it is 3600Euro .I enter school on January 5th,i will leave school on july 3th.I'll look forward to hearing from you soon.
10th February 2009 23 22
Dear Groene
Please confirm me couple of issues here:
1, You did not have any intension of studying further with degree program that offered by school after your English improved to higher level. Is this correct?
2, You will follow the deregistration procedure to leave the school completely by 3rd of July 2009, and leave school with further NO legal responsibility for you. Is this correct?
3, If school agrees on your financial requirement, you will not taking any actions against school, or further complaining; however positively getting on with your current study and take all opportunities to improve your English. Can you agree on this?
School manager
11th February 2009 2 56 (I felt it was a snare )
Dear manager
PS: It is very simple. The school refund me half of tuition fee,it is 3600euros. and I am as same as other sudents who study english in school for half an year.I will do my best to improve my english and study hard.I come here for my futher study. I always a studious student. for i have finished my undergraduate course and
got my bachelor's degree ,for i want to get my master degree in Netherlands ,but my english need to improve,so i went to school for my preparation and foundation course , after i arrived at school ,and for a period of studying .i found the teacher and teaching attachments are not equal to .so i want to as the same as many other students who study in school for half an year.and my point is i want to as the same as many other students who study half an year in school .I hope the school will getting better everyday. I am sure i can improve my english as soon as possible .i am trying my best now.
the tuition fee is real affevt efficiency of my study ,i ask for refunding my financial requirement as soon as possible,then i will do my best to prepare for ielts exam. If i have to spend so much time to deal with it. I felt that i have no choice but to request help of law.
I will look forward to hearing from you soom.
Best wishes
11th February 2009.
I gave call to the school manager at noon ,she did not answer my phone .then i asked a assistant to told the manager i wan waiting for her outside the door, the assistant told me :the manager said she did not want to talk with me, the assistant took me to find director of the school. The director and the manager are spouse .The directer took me to a office without people ,he spoke loud and angry ,asked me must accept decision of the school , when i said i wanted to change school .he replied it was the rules of the school and if i wanted to change school ,there was no money refunding to me .I said :i had studied one month just one teacher teaching us ,it was not good for so many student swith different levels studide together .He disturbed and shout to me :Did you want to fight my school , fighting my school was fight with me..... I was real scared and did not know what could i said .He said i just could contact with him about my tuitions fee,and i must not contact with any other person from now on . In that way he would consider to gave me more refund .
I went back to my room .the school manager gave me a email:
Dear groene:
Please answer my 3 questions simply by Yes or NO.
1, You did not have any intension of studying further with degree program that offered by school after your English improved to higher level. Is this correct?
2, You will follow the deregistration procedure to leave Wittenborg completely by 3rd of July 2009, and leave school with further NO legal responsibility for you. Is this correct?
3, If school agrees on your financial requirement, you will not taking any actions against school, or further complaining; however positively getting on with your current
study and take all opportunities to improve your English. Can you agree on this?
I was nervous and felt no choice ,i replied her email according to her requirements
11th February 2009 22 10
Dear manager
1, You did not have any intension of studying further with degree program that offered by school after your English improved to higher level. Is this correct? Yes
2, You will follow the deregistration procedure to leave school completely by 3rd of July 2009, and leave school with further NO legal responsibility for you. Is this correct?yes
3, If school agrees on your financial requirement, you will not taking any actions against school, or further complaining; however positively getting on with your current study and take all opportunities to improve your English. Can you agree on this? yes
when can you refund my me half of tuition fee,it is
3600euros .?
11th February 2009 22:48:47
Dear manager
I am looking forward to hearing from you at the soonest!
best wishes!
12th February 20009 ,The director gave me a email ,i was shocked because his email consisted of so many unreal content and i felt very sad , i can not be able to sleep easily and
concentrate on my study .these are part of content of his email.
You threatened me and Wittenborg with law suits, reprisals and slander both in the Netherlands and in China. I replied that that this was unacceptable and unwanted in the close knit family run school that Wittenborg is.
You must accept that although it is your moral right to change to another school, you purposely misled the authorities when applying for your study visa, with regards to this. Wittenborg cannot be held responsible for this, however could hold you responsible for your actions and damages.
5.a) I asked you not to have any more contact with any other person than me after our discussion, but now discovered you ignored this. I ask you again only to deal with me in this matter, as you are coming over as threatening, intimidating and rude, which is not acceptable in the Netherlands.
5.b) You have until noon (12am) on Friday to reply to this email with a positive or a negative reply.
5.c) I do not want a discussion or more words than “I agree” or “I disagree”. Further discussion will be seen as a “ I disagree”.
He shouted and threatened to me ,but in his email said :i
came to the education department today shouting and threatening staff.
12th February 2009 8 13 I replied his email
Dear director:
I am glad to see you reply.
First i must to clarify some point of views.
1 I never shouted and threatened. I was smiled and courteous to ask about my tuition fee.and what can i do if this scholl not suit for me .
2 I study very hard and 100% attendance rate in English language lessons ,most students know that.
3 I never purposely misled the authorities when applying for my study visa and i want to leave this school bacause it not suit to me .
4 I never threatened you and Wittenborg with law suits(if you think when i said "i do not understand why you just refund 1%4 of my tuition fee,if the school insist ,i have to ask legal aid for help ,the law will give us a fair answer " is threatened to you and wittenborg with law suits.) and i never reprisals and slander both in the Netherlands and in China. the Netherlands is a beautiful country and the people are friendly ,i like the country .and i love my county too.
Your email consist of so many unreal content ,which deeply hurt me , i can not be able to sleep easily and concentrate on my study .
Then i want to say i look up to you ,and just need a fair reply to me.
Bast on the email of the manager
I came to school at 5th january and my new registration will be finished on the 1st of September 2009.that mean there are tuition fee of four months.the original offer of a refund for 16 weeks of study with a registration of 1 year from the moment you actually arrived,that mean 1/3 of totally tuition fee . as totally2400.- euro (1/3of 7200.- euro).
I want to know :If the school can refund 2400 euro to me,and i finished on the 1st of september 20009.
I real want to get along very well with the school .But if the school not fair to me , i have no choice to ask for legal aid .i have no money pay for the lawer ,just have to ask legal aid for help.I believe law is fair , and i have right to choice other school .
however the school agree or disagree my legal request ,please reply me ,tell me the answer as soon as possible.
best wishet to you!
After that the school never replied to me 16th february 2009 16 16 I gave two
emails both maggie and peter
16th February 2009 18 33 I felt helpless and gave the school another email
Dear peter:
I ask for go back to china according to law and order, for it is not fit for me to study english here. I want to know how much tuition fee the school can refund me?and i also want to know why ? My total fee is 10650euro consist of university tuition fee 7200 euro and Mvv and residence permit 650euro housing 3 months (incl.airport pickup)1100euro and insurance 500euro and book pental 300euro and student deposit -refundable 900euro.
I am looking forward to hearing from you as soon as possible.
Best wishes to you!
17th February 2009 20 22
I sent a email to director and manager
Dear petter and maggie
I do not know why the school no reply my email and not contact with me,Could you tell me how can i contact with ministry of education of Netherlands?
Thanks very much!
Best wishes to you
Student :Groene
Then 17th February 2009 21 42 The school replied me
Dear Groene
In your email you have clearly stated that you wish to leave he Netherlands and return to China. We have contacted the IND regarding your de-registration, and you will be sent a letter concerning this. You are requested to leave the Netherlands within 14 days. Your residence card will be cancelled.
Under normal circumstances students are not entitled to a refund unless they de-register within 10 days after arrival, and only in cases of personal urgency to return home. This is explained on Internet at this page: http://www.
In your case, as we wish to end your registration with us in as amicable manner as possible we will make an exception:
you follow the de-registration process fully, then you will be entitled to the following refund:
Euro 6,642.00-
Received Package Fee of 10635 euro minus:
30% Tuition fee: 7200x30%=2160 euro
3 months housing rental (based on housing contract) and
airport pick up fee: 1100 euro
Insurance for 2 months: 83 euro
MVV and VVR application fee: 650 euro
The de-registration process is described on the following
page: http://www.
The refund will be paid to your account in China, on provision of the required documents:
A fully completed school Exit Form
A fully completed school Housing Checkout Form
A copy of an official exit form from the Netherlands Border Police showing that the student has officially left the country. - If an official exit form cannot be obtained, then the student is required to submit a copy of all pages of their passport clearly showing that the student has left the Shengen area (border control stamp).
Following actions must be taken: If the student has a valid multiple entry visa, then this should have "CANCELLED" stamped across it and signed and dated by either school International Office Staff or the Border Control Police..
Student's residence card should be returned to the International Office. A letter explaining the de-registration and return of the student will be provided to
show on leaving the Shengen area, if required.
[ 本帖最后由 groene 于 2009-2-26 11:29 编辑 ] |