AIO salaries will rise to the level of Junior researchers
The universities and labour unions have agreed on a new labour agreement. One of the major issues of the agreement and an obstacle during the negotiations was the position of PhD students in the new system of job assessment. The unions and universities have now agreed to include PhD students in the new system. This effectively means that the salaries of PhD students will rise over the coming years up to scale 10, comparable to the salary of an assistant professor. The cut due to education received by PhD students will be done away with, except for the first year.
The first raise will take effect September this year. The next two years the salaries will be raised stepwise until in 2005 scale 10 is reached. The table shows the stepwise rise of the gross salary for the years of the position:
year 1/9 2003 1/9 2004 1/9 2005
1 1668 1777 1831
2 1777 1831 2136
3 1933 2136 2238
4 2238 2238 2347
More information can be found on the web pages of the labour union, ABVAKABO or the joint universities, VSNU. There is also an English translation of the collective labour agreement available. |