1. The profile depth of the main grooves fo a car tyre should be at least 1.6mm.
完全不明白题目意思。。。这个profile depth of the main grooves fo a car tyre是什么东西。。。。
2. Parking for car sharers.
那个car sharers啥意思啊?几个人一起租车?
3. On a road narrowing traffic signs are lacing. How must drivers approaching one another proceed?
Answer: The driver who reaches the anrrowest point first must be given right of way.
4.You want to drive round a roundabout for three-quarters. What do u do? Answer: you follow the left lane.
Post by tricy_white;3577975
1. The profile depth of the main grooves fo a car tyre should be at least 1.6mm.
完全不明白题目意思。。。这个profile depth of the main grooves fo a car tyre是什么东西。。。。
2. Parking for car sharers.
那个car sharers啥意思啊?几个人一起租车?
3. On a road narrowing traffic signs are lacing. How must drivers approaching one another proceed?
Answer: The driver who reaches the anrrowest point first must be given right of way.
4.You want to drive round a roundabout for three-quarters. What do u do? Answer: you follow the left lane.
这个问题说是说不清楚的。你去看看书吧。就是你只有在马上要出roundabout的时候,才用right lane.
这个要是two-quarter roundabout就跑到right lane了么?规则是什么啊?