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Hey, I think you told me that you are living in Hoogte Kadijk. I also live there. What is your house number?


goUVA  高级海盗  2003-9-19 12:10:53 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰
Originally posted by hittite@2003-09-15 16:48
Hey, I think you told me that you are living in Hoogte Kadijk. I also live there. What is your house number?
sorry. I am not living at Kadijk, since the De key assigned a wrong room to me again.
Now I am living at Bijltjespad 22, north of the artis(zoo). so we are still very near.

my mobile phone number is 0645808900.
hittite  见习海盗  2003-9-21 16:01:15 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰
my phone is 0642519363. Maybe we can find a time to meet, for I cannot find any Chinese friends around me:(
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