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Indicate which programme you wish to enter
Master Programme:   即要申请的专业
Master Track: 这是什么东西啊? 不明白! :(

2.校方要求提供的documents中,有Proof of nationality and a copy of the birth certificate (or an equivalent document).
请问这个国籍和出生证明,我能不能用护照复印件代替?(因为护照上已经有了nationality和birth place了)

3.校方要求提供的documents中,有一项 Proof of proficiency in Dutch, NT2-II exam**
**Not applicable if you are a native Dutch speaker,还说Apply for an NT2-II course at a recognized Language Institute Register for the Dutch state examination NT2-II at the IBG, the Dutch student registration office.
Register at the university AFTER you have passed the NT2-II examination.

具体网址:http://www.studieinfo.tue.nl/pub ... =-1&menu_id=648

master的课程是英语授课,为什么要要求荷兰语呢?还要考这个试才能注册??? :o

4.nuffic主页上明明写到有给Eindhoven的fellowship,为什么校方主页这么写“The university does not offer scholarships ”不懂了 :(
具体网址: http://www.studieinfo.tue.nl/public/index....=-1&menu_id=648

5.Master’s program Human- Technology Interaction 这个专业是用英语授课的么?

希望申请过或打算申请04年Eindhoven的朋友们帮助,实在不行,我只能写mail问学校了,谢谢!  :)


999  见习海盗  2003-9-15 06:09:13 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国上海


Admission Requirements
Requirements for admission as a regular student to the engineer (Ir.) degree-programmes

Previous education
Required is the Dutch VWO-diploma (higher secondary education or equivalent at Western European level). The subjects Mathematics and Physics must have been taken in the last two years of secondary school, and must be on the diplomalist.

Knowledge of the Dutch language
As Dutch (the Netherlandish) language is the medium of instruction, holders of foreign diplomas have to pass the entrance exam in Dutch as a Foreign language. Preparation in general takes a full year.

Reading knowledge of English is required (TOEFL-score 550 pts; ELTS-score 5-6)

Financial independence

The university does not offer scholarships
999  见习海盗  2003-9-15 06:18:49 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国上海

标题:Out of Office AutoReply:  
发件人:"OWI","Secr. OnderwijsInstituut TM" <owi@tm.tue.nl>

Ik ben tot 6-10 afwezig.Tot die tijd neemt Mevr. M.P.T. Spitters het secretariaat waar op ma-di-do.en vr.ochtend van 8.30 uur - 12.00 uur. Voor dringende zaken aangaande Tue buiten deze tijden kunt u kontakt opnemen met Secr.Opleidingsdirecteuren@tm.tue.nl
Met vriendelijke groet
Sjanet Schot
999  见习海盗  2003-9-15 14:16:21 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国上海

刚才收到一封回复,是Enidhoven学校联系处的Ms Yongwei Liu回的,估计是个中国人!说master是“will be taught in English, so you do not need to learn the Dutch language. ”

可没说最不解的“NT2-II examination”问题。


infra  ↗贵宾↗  2003-9-15 14:53:12 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰
Originally posted by 999@2003-09-15 06:26

标题:Out of Office AutoReply:  
发件人:"OWI","Secr. OnderwijsInstituut TM" <owi@tm.tue.nl>

Ik ben tot 6-10 afwezig.Tot die tijd neemt Mevr. M.P.T. Spitters het secretariaat waar op ma-di-do.en vr.ochtend van 8.30 uur - 12.00 uur. Voor dringende zaken aangaande Tue buiten deze tijden kunt u kontakt opnemen met Secr.Opleidingsdirecteuren@tm.tue.nl
Met vriendelijke groet
Sjanet Schot
我十月六号才回来。 在这期间秘书处由M.P.T Spitters 女士代表, 她每周一,二,四,五早上8:30-12:00办公。
在这个办公时间外如果有关于Tue的急事的话, 请您与Secr.Opledingsdirecteuren@tu.tue.nl联系。
infra  ↗贵宾↗  2003-9-15 15:03:22 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰
NT2只有上荷兰学生的课程才需要, 以前这个是任何外国学生都要过的, 因为以前没有多少学校有用英文的课程。
现在情况不同了, 估计这个大学还没有把这些变动写到小册子里。
既然回信说了不用上荷兰语课, 也应该就是说不用考这个NT2了。

出生证是绝对不能用护照代替的, 不过比较奇怪他们为什么在申请学校也要这个。 还要问清楚出生证要不要双认证。
infra  ↗贵宾↗  2003-9-15 15:11:52 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰
关于奖学金, nuffic的主页上说的和这个大学的无关。 大学本身不提供奖学金, 提供的是别的组织和机构。
999  见习海盗  2003-9-15 15:27:50 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国上海
太谢谢 infra 了!!!通过和学校mail的询问和沟通,加上infra的回复,现在基本上问题都明白了,就还差未明白“Master Track”是什么咚咚了。

清风雅格  ↗贵宾↗  2003-9-15 19:52:20 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰
wangyubin  初上贼船  2003-9-16 15:52:12 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国广西桂林
Originally posted by 999@2003-09-15 05:42
Indicate which programme you wish to enter
Master Programme:   即要申请的专业
Master Track: 这是什么东西啊? 不明白! :(

2.校方要求提供的documents中,有Proof of nationality and a copy of the birth certificate (or an equivalent document).
请问这个国籍和出生证明,我能不能用护照复印件代替?(因为护照上已经有了nationality和birth place了)

3.校方要求提供的documents中,有一项 Proof of proficiency in Dutch, NT2-II exam**
**Not applicable if you are a native Dutch speaker,还说Apply for an NT2-II course at a recognized Language Institute Register for the Dutch state examination NT2-II at the IBG, the Dutch student registration office.
Register at the university AFTER you have passed the NT2-II examination.

具体网址:http://www.studieinfo.tue.nl/pub ... =-1&menu_id=648

master的课程是英语授课,为什么要要求荷兰语呢?还要考这个试才能注册??? :o

4.nuffic主页上明明写到有给Eindhoven的fellowship,为什么校方主页这么写“The university does not offer scholarships ”不懂了 :(
具体网址: http://www.studieinfo.tue.nl/public/index....=-1&menu_id=648

5.Master’s program Human- Technology Interaction 这个专业是用英语授课的么?

希望申请过或打算申请04年Eindhoven的朋友们帮助,实在不行,我只能写mail问学校了,谢谢!  :)
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