Indicate which programme you wish to enter
Master Programme: 即要申请的专业
Master Track: 这是什么东西啊? 不明白! :(
2.校方要求提供的documents中,有Proof of nationality and a copy of the birth certificate (or an equivalent document).
请问这个国籍和出生证明,我能不能用护照复印件代替?(因为护照上已经有了nationality和birth place了)
3.校方要求提供的documents中,有一项 Proof of proficiency in Dutch, NT2-II exam**
**Not applicable if you are a native Dutch speaker,还说Apply for an NT2-II course at a recognized Language Institute Register for the Dutch state examination NT2-II at the IBG, the Dutch student registration office.
Register at the university AFTER you have passed the NT2-II examination.
Admission Requirements
Requirements for admission as a regular student to the engineer (Ir.) degree-programmes
Previous education
Required is the Dutch VWO-diploma (higher secondary education or equivalent at Western European level). The subjects Mathematics and Physics must have been taken in the last two years of secondary school, and must be on the diplomalist.
Knowledge of the Dutch language
As Dutch (the Netherlandish) language is the medium of instruction, holders of foreign diplomas have to pass the entrance exam in Dutch as a Foreign language. Preparation in general takes a full year.
Reading knowledge of English is required (TOEFL-score 550 pts; ELTS-score 5-6)
Financial independence
The university does not offer scholarships
标题:Out of Office AutoReply:
发件人:"OWI","Secr. OnderwijsInstituut TM" <owi@tm.tue.nl>
Ik ben tot 6-10 afwezig.Tot die tijd neemt Mevr. M.P.T. Spitters het secretariaat waar op ma-di-do.en vr.ochtend van 8.30 uur - 12.00 uur. Voor dringende zaken aangaande Tue buiten deze tijden kunt u kontakt opnemen met Secr.Opleidingsdirecteuren@tm.tue.nl
Met vriendelijke groet
Sjanet Schot
Originally posted by 999@2003-09-15 06:26 刚刚写了一堆问题,发到主页上提供的owi@tm.tue.nl地址,去问学校,结果收到荷兰语的自动回复mail,我猜系统自动回复的mail,一定没有回答我的问题,可能说学校人不在或者其他,呜呜....哪位给翻译一下说的是什么啊?
标题:Out of Office AutoReply:
发件人:"OWI","Secr. OnderwijsInstituut TM" <owi@tm.tue.nl>
Ik ben tot 6-10 afwezig.Tot die tijd neemt Mevr. M.P.T. Spitters het secretariaat waar op ma-di-do.en vr.ochtend van 8.30 uur - 12.00 uur. Voor dringende zaken aangaande Tue buiten deze tijden kunt u kontakt opnemen met Secr.Opleidingsdirecteuren@tm.tue.nl
Met vriendelijke groet
Sjanet Schot
Originally posted by 999@2003-09-15 05:42 1.申请表中开头就是
Indicate which programme you wish to enter
Master Programme: 即要申请的专业
Master Track: 这是什么东西啊? 不明白! :(
2.校方要求提供的documents中,有Proof of nationality and a copy of the birth certificate (or an equivalent document).
请问这个国籍和出生证明,我能不能用护照复印件代替?(因为护照上已经有了nationality和birth place了)
3.校方要求提供的documents中,有一项 Proof of proficiency in Dutch, NT2-II exam**
**Not applicable if you are a native Dutch speaker,还说Apply for an NT2-II course at a recognized Language Institute Register for the Dutch state examination NT2-II at the IBG, the Dutch student registration office.
Register at the university AFTER you have passed the NT2-II examination.