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申请2009的European MSc Degree in Food Science, Technology and Nutrition,
给他们发了邮件 也不回复


有类似申请Erasmus Mundus的项目 的朋友吗》??

另外,非常奇怪的是,为什么List of supporting documents:中有一项

certified secondary school certificate ????

高中的毕业证??? 怎么会有这个选项呢?》我是申请硕士啊

1, How to prove my TOEFL ? I have print the website report about my transcript on its official website, and is it OK?  If an original TOEFL transcript is necessary, please tell what is your TOEFL code for requseting ETS to post this transcript to your office.

2, Why need I send "certified secondary school certificate" to apply a MSc program?  I will provide a certified BSc degree to your office, and it is quite difficult for me to find the certificate of my secondary school because it is long time ago.

KaHo Sint-Lieven
Postgraduate Course Service – SEFOTECH NUT COURSE

Gebroeders Desmetstraat 1
B – 9000 Gent
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