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I am looking for a girl who wants to have a serious relation with a dutch born chinese.
My friend is very shy so that is why we take this medium to find a future wife for him.

He is:

- 1,78 m
- 30 years old
- cantonese language
- likes to party
- likes to sing
- a gentlemen
- very honest (lao shi)

we want to find someone who:

- between 24 - 30 years
- preferable speaking (little bit) cantonese
- wants to stay in Holland
- speaks (little bit) english
- very patience
- very honest
- self sufficient
- wants to marry
- wants to have children
- is looking cute (pretty and hot is not a neccesaty)

he can profide you

- a stable marriage
- love and care

People who want to pay for a fake marriage or relation do not need to reply!!!

We hope you hear from serious candidates soon.
please reply to big-boss888@hotmail.com

A good friend!


上海人  高级海盗  2008-10-20 20:23:45 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

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