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容我顺便说下背景哈,大四在读,非211,信息管理与信息系统专业(经济管理学院),平均分83左右,雅思7(单项最低有6的),尚无GMAT成绩。想申RSM, UVT, UM, UVA(据说都是商科比较好的学校?),最想学物流管理专业,可是我的专业背景跟物流有一定距离,学过的专业课以计算机和管理类的课程为主,,又听说如果专业不对的话很难被录取,而且我没有GMAT,所以想请教XDJM们下,是不是有必要申个预科呢?

小妹 thank u in advance 了哈。


Rita87  初上贼船  2008-10-11 09:09:17 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国吉林长春

回复: 课程描述是必要的吗???




siyuan216  四海霸王  2008-10-11 10:23:23 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: 课程描述是必要的吗???

1. the description of the courses is used for a statement to show the courses can offer you the basic knowledge to be admitted to the expected program. u can make it separated from your academic record.
so you should highlight your management courses to apply for the master in logistic than the courses in computer.

2. u have two choices. u may apply for the expected master program directly and they may suggest u to attend a pre course if your condition can not meet the requirements. also u can consult the admission officer first, to see whether u can apply for that directly.
if u will get a bachelor degree in management rather than computer science. i think its still possible for u to be admitted to the master program in logistic.

sorry for the language
Rita87  初上贼船  2008-10-12 12:08:21 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国吉林长春

回复: 课程描述是必要的吗???

Post by siyuan216;3519795
1. the description of the courses is used for a statement to show the courses can offer you the basic knowledge to be admitted to the expected program. u can make it separated from your academic record.
so you should highlight your management courses to apply for the master in logistic than the courses in computer.

2. u have two choices. u may apply for the expected master program directly and they may suggest u to attend a pre course if your condition can not meet the requirements. also u can consult the admission officer first, to see whether u can apply for that directly.
if u will get a bachelor degree in management rather than computer science. i think its still possible for u to be admitted to the master program in logistic.

sorry for the language

2.program in logistic 是指什么啊?管理类的专业?
3.从中介那里打听的,说可以先申请去RSM读一年大三,拿Bachelor's degree,再接着读master.
   这个貌似跟预科不是一回事虽然课程是一样的,但是多个学位,只不过要多写个论文了。。请教下,is that true??
4. PS, ML, 还有RL,这几个材料最恰当的字数分别是多少啊?
Rita87  初上贼船  2008-10-12 12:12:44 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国吉林长春

回复: 课程描述是必要的吗???

Rita87  初上贼船  2008-10-12 13:52:57 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国吉林长春

回复: 课程描述是必要的吗???

Rita87  初上贼船  2008-10-12 14:42:24 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国吉林长春

回复: 课程描述是必要的吗???

siyuan216  四海霸王  2008-10-12 15:04:10 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: 课程描述是必要的吗???

Post by Rita87;3522091
2.program in logistic 是指什么啊?管理类的专业?
3.从中介那里打听的,说可以先申请去RSM读一年大三,拿Bachelor's degree,再接着读master.
这个貌似跟预科不是一回事虽然课程是一样的,但是多个学位,只不过要多写个论文了。。请教下,is that true??
4. PS, ML, 还有RL,这几个材料最恰当的字数分别是多少啊?

1. 和是不是专业课没关系,重点是要突出你想申请的专业的相关课程
2. logistics呀,我记得你说啊你想学物流的啊?
3. 这个么。。。不太清楚,貌似读一年本科的学费比预科的学费要少。但是读预科的话,一年考试啥的都没问题的话,是自然转为master的项目地。不太清楚RSM的情况,貌似有的学校本科可以直接升相关专业的master(比如UVT?),但是有的学校还是要重新申请的。
4. ps,ml a4一页吧,rl不太清楚,也不要超过一页吧,太长了没人仔细看的。
Rita87  初上贼船  2008-10-13 14:56:25 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国吉林长春

回复: 课程描述是必要的吗???

thanks very much for your kind response!
now i know more...
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