我准备申请TUE,网申填了下,发现要以下两个材料 1.Cumulative or final GPA score(This is your Grade Point Average – the average mark or grade that youhave received for your previous education. The (cumulative or final) GPA isusually mentioned clearly on the Academic Transcript. If this is not the case,please ask the institution where you had your previous education to provideproof of your cumulative GPA. You may also calculate the GPA yourself and askthe instiution to verify this (with a signature and official stamp).) 2.Description of subjects takenduring higher education (maximum 20 pages)(This description provides us with important insightinto the content of your previous higher education. It allows us to ascertainto what extent the content of your Bachelor or other higher education programmatches the prerequisites for a TU/e Master’s.) 1.但我们学校不提供GPA证明的,也不会为你自己算的GPA盖章的,只提供官方成绩单。 2.描述每一门,这也太麻烦了些吧。 我想问问大家这怎么办的,寄材料可以不提供这两个吗?