Post by williambbb;3498518
大家好,我刚来荷兰一个月。很多事情都不太了解。公司在这边开了分公司。现在要买车了。才发现荷兰新车的税很重,BTW/BPM 就一万多欧,所以想请教下各位,以公司或者个人名义,是否能在德国买车,上德国牌,或者上荷兰牌,然后开回荷兰来长期开。缴纳的费用又是怎样的,也是三个月路税吗?或者,谁有关于买车更好的建议,在荷兰买二手车?在德国买二手车?如果能得到你的帮助和建议,非常感谢!!
If your company registered in Germany, yes, you can. But even in that case, you still need to ask a form from dutch city hall and clearly specify the car you are driving everyday in holland is a company car, from germany.
Sometimes, dutch police set check point at border to exam this. |