1. speed allowed outside build up area: 80km/hour
2. speed allowed on the highway : 120km/hour
3. Can you allow the passengers to step in or out at sign E6: Yes
(you are not parking, stopping is permitted)
4. You want to drive straight on, a car is coming out from an exit, do you need to let him go first? No. (drive out from an exit is an exceptional manoeuvers).
5. The not demountable loads project 1.5m to the rear of the auto and hang a red flag, are you allowed to drive like this? NEE
6. You are on the lane with an arrow indicating straight on(solid line besides the auto), but you want to turn right, can you change the lane? NEE
7. What is your flowing distance before you overtake the car ahead of you? 2 seconds
8. at a Y - junction (the shape of the road is upside down of the letter 'Y'), you are coming from right, do you need to let the moped rider from the left go first? NEE. (equal intersection, drivers from their right get priority)
9. 计时停车区:上下人不需要摆计时器;计时器显示停车开始的时间。
10. 大雾条件下不能超车;弯道前,弯道上禁止超车;
11. hone zone所有道路平等除非有优先权标记,所以要让右手边来的drivers。
12. You must STOP if you see B7 even there is no traffice on the road you will approach.
13. 车掉进水里, 用救生锤砸边窗.
14. 没有站台的tram站, 要 让 乘客.
核心感觉就是 让 还是 不让 的问题:转弯,从出口出来等特殊行为要让所有road user;平等路口,让右手边的drivers;drivers在优先权标记的路上获得优先权; |