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car sell

Ford Ka 1.3
kilometer: 85000 km
category: Hatchback (3 deurs)
fuel: Benzine
year: 1998
colour: purple
Motor: 1.297 cc
weight: 865 kg
total seats: 5
highway: 5,9 l/100km (1 op 16,9)
road tax : 16 euro / per month
APK:  till 05-2009
price: 1600euro

please contact with me by msn and email: salacn@hotmail.com
or by phone call: 0655960569
or skype: liang.edco@skype.nl

i brought the car on April this year from gelstel garage, the road tax i pay now is only 16 euro a month, the car insurance is only 27.64 euro per month, very good for driver, the car is very light and the year is from 1998, that means, next year. you can apply for not paying the tax(in holland, if the car if over 10 years old, you are allowed not paying tax for the car). i like the car very much, the reason i sell the car because i live near by ford company, and i want to buy a new car which cost 8945 euro in 2007. i dont want to pay two times taxes. you can also try the car because i am now driving it for work.

ford ka purple.doc

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salacn  高级海盗  2008-8-2 17:21:02 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: ford ka 1998 sell


price is 1900euro. typing mistake. hehe.
bb1029  高级海盗  2008-8-2 17:33:55 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: ford ka 1998 sell

do you have a bigger photo? it is too small. can't see it at all.
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