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Summercarnival is the most colorful and tropical party of the Netherlands! Don't miss these awesome days of sun, warmth and cultural tradition in Rotterdam. Wanna visit Summercarnival in 2008? Write down the following dates: 20 July Queen Election

Unlike many other 'Miss contests', the Summer Carnival Queen Election isn't only about being beautiful. As ambassador of Summer Carnival the Queen represents the festival on several occasions. Therefore eloquence and knowledge of Summer Carnival and it's cultural inheritance are equally important. During two rounds and a finale round the candidates are judged by public and jury. Amongst others they were judged on improvisation skills and dance. The third round is very spectacular: the candidates put on a show, dressend in their breath-taking and dazzling carnival costumes.

25 July Battle of Drums

Highlight of these evening is without any doubt the Battle of Drums itself. Four Brassbrands leave from four different locations and they meet each other for the Battle at the Bavaria Stage on the Coolsingel. Over a hundred percussionists and trumpettists try to exceed in this musical battle. Unlike the years before the Battle of Drums has become a real contest. The winner will be announced as 'Best Brassband of Summer Carnival 2008'.
Start: 19.00 h, Coolsingel. See map   

26 July Street Parade and Live On Stage  

Summer Carnival is a yearly 3-day Caribbean Carnival in the city centre of Rotterdam, the Netherlands. Summer Carnival, similar to the carnival in Rio, is a huge event where at least 900.000 visitors come from all over Europe to dance to the latin music and look at the colourful and amazing costumes and floats in the big street parade. On Saturday the big Street Parade emerges in the city centre. At night there is still a lot to see on the two live stages, so you can party on the Brazilian Way until the wee hours. And so you will not forget the most awesome party you've ever been to.
Start: 13.00 h, city centre Rotterdam. See map
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