1.超车问题考了好几个。一定要搞清楚哪些情况下从右边超车是允许的。可以右边超车的情况有: a) overtake a tram. b) just before or in the roundabout. c) you are waiting in a queue. d) you are in the block mark and turning to the right. e) 前面车左转。
原题:you are waiting in a queue, what can a overtaking motorbike expect from you? 答案是 you are overtaking from right.
2. 小孩儿安全带问题。原题: eight year's old boy, safe belt is just around his neck. what should you do? 我选的是put it under his arm.但是不确定。请大家详查。
3.同等路权问题考了好几个。遵循原则:拐弯让直行,(all road users)!!! 如果车辆从你前面路的左右行驶,则右手原则,(only for drivers)
4.行人优先区,如果行人从前面路口的左右方向走来,你不用让。 右手原则 only for drivers. 如果行人和你走同样方向,你要右拐,人直走。需要让!(拐弯让直行)