Hello guys! Sorry I dont have the Chinese typing system
I'd like to enquire some information about the master programme of International Business(specified in Supply Chain Managementor logistics) in Maastricht University,Gronigen university and Tilburg university.And I'm planning to apply for this master's programme in Autumn,2009.
My situation is as following:
>Now I'm in the third year of my university in China(2 Ben)I will get my bachelor degree in next year's summer.
>My major is Logistics Management,which is belong to Business Administration.
>My average exam point is above 85 so far(100 is fullmark)
>Now I'm doing an internship in Copex Air Cargo,Schiphol for half year.
>Did an internship before in a Chinese logistic company for half year
>MY Ietls is 7.0(L8,R8,S6.5,W6)
>I will take the GMAT in November
So in my case ,I'm wondering that am I possible for one of the three Universities to take into consideration? What's the possibility?
(Pls reply in Chinese or English)