UVA的LAW SCHOOL16号晚上发出了帮LLM录取的同学申请签证的通知
其中有几点小白不甚明了,  特发此帖供同行战友讨论下, 也好更快明白起来,同时请有经验的前辈也给指导指导,小白不胜感激啦!
1.银行证明如何办理?(查了一些老帖,越看越糊涂)怎样让银行开,学校说要an ORIGINAL bank statement of a bank account (Note: we do not accept saving accounts) or bank statement no older than 3 MONTHS. Internet print outs need to contain the same information, and have to be accompanied by an original bank statement.储蓄账户还不行,
The IND (Immigration and Naturalisation Service) charges € 250 for each MVV application (non-refundable). The Amsterdam Law School transfers this MVV fee to the IND, on behalf of the student.
Therefore we kindly request you to transfer the € 250 into the account of the Amsterdam Law School before the set deadline. We do not start your MVV application before the fee is received.
Upon arrival, all international students, also those who do not need an MVV, must register at Service & Information Center (Binnengasthuisstraat 9, Amsterdam) in order to apply for a temporary residence permit. The appointment will be made for you by the International Office.
Non-refundable residence permit rates:
€ 30 for students from EU/EEA nationals
€ 188 for non-EU countries who are bound to an MVV (+ € 250 through the ALS)
€ 433 for non-EU countries not bound to an MVV
小白在这里先谢过各位啦 ~~~~~~~~希望对一起申请的各位同仁也有所帮助噢! |