The Hong Kong Filmpanorama will take place in Filmmuseum at Vondelpark 3 in Amsterdam from 30 May till 11 June 2008. Write in our Shoutbox before 27 May 2008 which film you would like to see and why to WIN one of the 3x2 free tickets! CRTV will announce the winners by e-mail and on this website.
香港电影展于五月三十日至六月十一日在AMSTERDAM 举行,在五月二十七日前发送信息至CRTV网站SHOUTBOX(www.chineseradio.nl)说明:你想看哪部电影,为什么,就有机会获得免费电影票。CRTV将通过网站和发送EMAIL形式通知获奖者。
29 mei 21.30 Openingsavond: verrassingsfilm
30 mei 21.30 Eye in the Sky/跟蹤 (YAU Nai-hoi/游乃海, 任達華,梁家輝,徐子珊)
31 mei 21.30 The Detective/C+偵探 (Oxide PANG/彭順, 郭富城, 廖啟智, 成圭安, 商天娥, 黎耀祥)
1 juni 21.30 Brothers/兄弟 (Derek CHIU/趙祟基, 劉德華、陳奕迅、苗僑偉、黃奕、黃日華、湯鎮業)
2 juni 21.30 Invisible Target/男兒本色 (Benny CHAN/陳木勝, 謝霆鋒、房祖名、余文樂、吳京、安志杰)
3 juni 21.30 Mr. Cinema/老港正傳 (Samson CHIU/趙良駿, 黃秋生, 鄭中基, 莫文蔚, 毛舜筠)
4 juni 21.30 Pye Dog/野良犬 (Derek Kwok, 陳亦迅,曾志偉,林子祥)
5 juni 21.30 Whispers and Moans/性工作者十日談 (Herman Yau, 朱茵,余安安)
Films van Ann Hui/許鞍華
7 juni 14.15 Boat People/投奔怒海 (林子祥, 馬斯晨, 劉德華, 繆騫人)
6 juni 21.30 Romance of Book and Sword
7 juni 21.30 The Postmodern Life of My Aunt/姨媽的後現代生活 (周潤發, 斯琴高娃)
8 juni 21.30 Eighteen Springs/半生緣 (林子祥, 馬斯晨, 劉德華, 繆騫人)
9 juni 21.30 The Postmodern Life of My Aunt/姨媽的後現代生活 (周潤發, 斯琴高娃)
10 juni 21.30 July Rhapsody/男人四十 (張學友 梅艷芳 , 林嘉欣)
11 juni 21.30 Ah kam/阿金 (楊紫瓊, 洪金寶)