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哈哈哈哈哈哈,狂开心,4.14报名,22号考,错4个. 用的是600道的书和练习题,还有n年前350道的版本粗略过了一遍.
感谢前人, 没少收益. 考完了我也来种种树


B7(STOP那个牌子) 说没看到车,问必须停吗? (不确定耶)
G13前面那个 (sign directing moped to the carriageway)
C4和diversion sign(就是黄底那个箭头)摆一起,问那个可能有oncoming
F5 F6 J29摆一起,问哪个你要给对方让路 (F5)

1. 拖车货物后面伸出,挂了个红旗,问行不行. (不行)
2. licence几年有效. (10)
3. 只有左边镜子,后玻璃上雪擦过但还有很多,问能不能开. (不能)
4. 在自行车道旁边停车让人上下车,虚线,问行不行.(不行?不记得地上画没画自行车了)
5. 问parking disc写到达时间还是离开时间. (到达)
6. home zone停完车看见P在旁边地上,问行不. (不行)
7. 你直行,要不要give way to tram passengers. 没有refuge, 贴车边儿上还没开始过. (要)
8.tyre pressure太低,什么时候消耗汽油多.(a.always  b.速度块 c.速度慢) (a)
9. 有没有药会affect your driving ability. (有)
10. 进tunnel要不要开dipped. (要)
11. 单行线向右,你从路口出来想左拐,问行不. (不行)

一个考点是分清楚unmarked junction 和 exit,题忘了...


Moped vehicle for disabled people(宽小于1.1m) 小于等于45km/h
  Motor vehicles 不包括 mopeds and vehicles for disabled people. Rules=microcars
  Motor-assisted bicycle 25km/h
  Must stop at the end of the emergency parking area. Therefore drive on to make room for other drivers to stop behind you. trunk road with priority的图上 P75
  Staying in the centre lane is a bad habit. ( 3 lanes)
  On motorways road works are indicated 2 km in advance.
  E A motorway
  N not motorways. These are arterial roads.
  P83 转盘入口左边有车,从右边overtake不好因为左边视线不清晰. (人行道上不超车同理)
  Pedestrian priority area—driving slowly is the rule.不能随便停车.出口必须给所有车人让路包括行人,拐弯的车.
  不在人行道上/附近overtake因为视野差 (转盘也不超车同理)
  Tram stop without refuge 让要上下车的行人过马路
  tunnel之前dipped headlights.
  P109 do not block the junction.实在不行可以停在自行车道,人行道,或斑马线上to gain a clear view of the intersecting road. 对面有人要过马路,可以在路这边等,为不堵塞交通.
  113 T-junctions with moderate speed.
  114 路口要右转,左右都看,小心右边超车的可能占你的车道.
  The rules applying to an unmarked junction are
  All drivers coming from the right have right of way
  Trams have right of way over all other drivers.
  红白倒三角,you have to give way to all drivers on the crossing road. pedestrians are not drivers!!滑冰的是pedestrians
  离开priority road that bends 要给进入的人让道
  117我在Priority road, trams从左/右蹿出来,我先.
  118 转弯的要让直行的先,包括自行车行人也要让.
  都转,right before left
  121 priority rules tram
  如果在unmarked junction tram从左/右蹿出来,他先cross
  Microcar永远≤45  with trailer市外≤80 (市内≤50)
  142 路口我前面有骑车的,不超车直到确定超车是安全的.
  145 乡村道注意看两边,超车注意,载好多货的拖拉机看不见你在后面.小心他们没经验,不用转向灯.小心货物比车宽.
  151不在接近有车的hard shoulder时候超车
  151 on a one-way road without contraflow lane you must move as much as possible to the left if you want to turn left.
  With contraflow lane, left of the middle of the road.
  156 overtaking on the right is allowed
  Just before and on roundabouts
  If you are driving to the right of a block marking
  If you are driving in a queue
  If the vehicle you wish to overtake has moved left to turn left, and signals to the left.
  If the vehicle you wish to overtake is a tram
  160 最好不在single carriageways上超车.除非前面巨慢.有黄灯must not overtake.
  为避免blind spot 超车要看所有镜子和左肩膀
  Verboden in te halen = no overtaking
  一般before  blind bends   slopes   complex junction  level crossing  zebra  
  F1 prohibits motor vehicles to overtake each other
  俩车那个 motorcycle 和我也不能互相超  
  F3 lorries to overtake cars
  164 completing the overtaking manoeuvre
  Well ahead of an unclear situation
  Before the point where an overtaking prohibition comes into effect
  On a single carriageway, bell before a parking lane with parked cars on the other side of the road/ a solid line begins/ a petrol station on the other side of the road.
  165 do not join the traffic too soon, even if there is no traffic coming: you must use a large part of the acceleration lane.
  如果加速带很短,到头也不够,must stop at the beginning of the acceleration lane. 瞅准时机,加速
  170 when exiting, you must use the entire deceleration lane, but you must not use the hard shoulder. Indicate direction when you have reached the sign indicating the destination for straight ahead. On motorways this is about 300 meters before the exit.
  172 drivers joining the traffic give way to exiting drivers 先出后进
  倒车给所有人让道,stop about 30cm from the kerb.
  180 No parking的标志可以上下车,装卸货 买东西或等人算parking
  右边不行的时候才在左边park or stand still.
  On one-way-roads vehicles often stand still or park on the left side.
  It is forbidden to stop in places such as
  slopes, bends, under flyovers/
  road sections for other road users-footpath, pavement, cycle path(虚线实线都不行/optional 可以), cycle, moped track, bridle path, bus lane/route
  roadway beside a bicycle/bus lane
  junction, level crossing
  pedestrian crossing和前后5
  bus stop和前后12
  by yellow solid line
  Parking prohibitions
  All places not allowed to stop.
  Loading and unloading area
  Other categories spaces
  Within 5 meters from the corner of a street
  Yellow broken line (虚线可以上下人装卸货)
  In front of an entrance or exit.
  On a road with right-of-way(黄色菱形牌) outside the built-up area.  (roadside可以)
  187 P装卸货 可以上下人
  193 开了双棒灯可以不用warning triangle(30m),用更好.
  207有可能白天好天气也要用dipped. 树叶,sun is low
  Main beam prohibition
  白天, 对面(小心还没拐过来的)来车/, 后面有车. Blue warning light on dashboard.
  被人晃了,可以拿main beam闪他.
  市外晚上stop  front parking lights + back rear lights. 市内不要求,开更好.
  晚上或白天坏天气stop in lay-bys, parking lanes, hard shoulders by the side of trunk or motorway you must also light your parking lights.
  晚上或坏白天拖车on parking strip, lay-by, parking lane by the side of a trunk or motorway,同上.
  Rain 必须dipped.
  Heavy rainfall 可以dipped + front fog lamps  高速最好在右道
  Rain不可以用rear fog lights
  市外 能见度<50m,速度<50km/h 不超车
  Fog 减速 不超车 dipped (always), front fog lamps(view is seriously obstructed= 200m,白天也行)甚至rear fog lights( heavy fog = 50m), 3 second gap, 高速的右车道
  Snow 50km/h 进加速/减速带之前就开始减速, 小心看不见speed bumps, rear fog lights (50m), no main beam, front fog lights(seriously impeded = 200m)
  Rear fog lights  only allowed in heavy fog or heavy snowfall, if visibility is 50m.
  Front fog lights views is seriously obstructed/impeded = 200m) rain fog snowfall 都可以
  Auxiliary coupling  Multi-axled trailers 750kg  central-axled trailers 1500kg
  Anti-lock braking  multi-axled trailers 750kg
  离开priority bend > 进入
within build-up



             30 km/h zone

             pedestrian priority area

outside build-up



             trunk roads

             other roads

  Adjusting your speed
  School    fatigue   unfamiliarity with the situation    weather   road surface (skidding, longer stopping distance)
  Before slow down, look left and right outside mirrors.
  2 second rule
  Speed in km/h divided by 10, times 3.
  E.g. 80 km/h     per second will be 80 /10 * 3=24 meters.  So 2 seconds = 48 meters.
  3 second rule
  Wet road conditions (aquaplaning)     wintry    driving downhill    driving in fog
  General rule
  The distance to the vehicle in front of you must always be such that an overtaking vehicle can always safely merge in between you and the vehicle in front of you.
  Stopping distance
  Sstopping distance = reaction distance (in 1 second) + braking distance.
  Braking distance = (speed in km / 10) ^2
  e.g.  60km/h   reaction distance=60/10*3=18   
                         braking distance=6*6=36
                         stopping distance=18+36=54 meters.
  Verboden in te halen = no overtaking
  When exiting, you must use the entire deceleration lane, but you must not use the hard shoulder! Indicate direction when you have reached the sign indicating the destination for straight ahead. On motorways this is about 300 meters before the exit.
  Drivers joining the traffic give way to exiting drivers
  Each driver on the through road gives way to one driver at a time coming from a blocked lane.


ENjoy  中级海盗  2008-4-22 14:18:22 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: 4月22号 Enschede 理论考试 英语 机经

MM is so quick. I have forgot most of the questions already. I do remember some more:

1.You are 70km/hr, following a motocycle on a single way in a place look like outside build-up area. Are you allow to do so?
2. You stop to let a pessenger get out. There is an invalid vehicle coming. Do you need to wait?
3. Are you allowed to stop in a parking place only for invalid to let some one in or out?
ENjoy  中级海盗  2008-4-22 14:31:31 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: 4月22号 Enschede 理论考试 英语 机经

O ja, some more:
4. When you need to switch the airbag off for babe (a) face front; (b)face back. (choose a)
5. what is the meaning of sign C23-01
6. when you are in the water, which side of the window should you break: front or side?
7. In the accident, when someone encounters serious bleeding, should you use a dirty cloth?
8. In the home zone, can u (car) park in a place without a parking sign?
9. Where you should let the bus drive away: within the build-up area/ outside the build-up area/ both.
10. what affects your stop distance: reaction speed/ driving speed/ both
11. meaning of sign J12
12. which one tells you that you need to let the oncoming traffic goes first: c5,f6,f5
ENjoy  中级海盗  2008-4-22 14:33:52 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: 4月22号 Enschede 理论考试 英语 机经

13. what is the distance between you and the overtaking car: (a) 1/2 sec, (b)1 sec, (c)2 sec
14. you want to make a turn, do you need to wait for the pedestrain.
pushi  ↗贵宾↗  2008-4-22 15:02:24 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: 4月22号 Enschede 理论考试 英语 机经

baixiang  四海霸王  2008-4-22 15:13:29 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: 4月22号 Enschede 理论考试 英语 机经

freekeeper  高级海盗  2008-4-22 15:59:16 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 德国
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JudyRain  见习海盗  2008-4-22 21:54:56 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: 4月22号 Enschede 理论考试 英语 机经

Yakia  中级海盗  2008-4-23 18:01:07 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: 4月22号 Enschede 理论考试 英语 机经

踏荷渡兰泽    2008-4-23 18:57:34 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰
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