我准备申请2004年rotterdam business school的master of logistics management, 看见大家对这个学校的评论褒贬不一,从他的admission requirements来看,无论是mba还是master,都比较规范和严谨,有没有现在在念这个专业的朋友给我一些建议,到底这个学校的master怎么样,另外,我还准备申请erasmus的mel专业,谢谢。
我指的是HES R, 她的网站上对于international programme写着就是rotterdam business school(应该是去年合并后起的名字吧,我猜), 她的master programme包括mba和logistics, accounting and Consultancy,从master入学要求来看,作为商学院,她绝对规范,并且要求不低,只是我很困惑,看见大家对他预科及本科评价不一,所以想问一下在里面读master of logistics的朋友,她的master怎么样,谢谢!
the master program of logistics management in hes rotterdam/rotterdam business school is the weakest one among these three master programs offered by hes. thought it is much more easier to get admission to the programs, it is a little bit difficult to graduate under the circumstance that you won't study hard.