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    本人23岁 专科学历 想学该学院酒店管理本科 请问需要一些什么条件呢(费用 证明 语言等等一切)望回复!



柏拉图y永恒  四海霸王  2008-4-7 06:25:41 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国江苏南京

回复: 咨询马斯特里赫特酒店管理学院

asianart  中级海盗  2008-4-7 14:39:41 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: 咨询马斯特里赫特酒店管理学院

ferret329  四海霸王  2008-4-7 18:01:49 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: 咨询马斯特里赫特酒店管理学院

Post by kingkiss;3088603
本人23岁 专科学历 想学该学院酒店管理本科 请问需要一些什么条件呢(费用 证明 语言等等一切)望回复!


apply for selection studying at Maastricht Hotel Management School
The type of education we offer requires you to have special skills and personal qualities which you will be tested on before acceptance. To participate in the selection procedure, apply to the Hotel School. We advise you strongly to apply as early as possible as selection starts early in the year! Only when you are sure that you have been accepted by us, should you register at the IB-Groep (Informatie Beheer Groep; National Student Administration) in Groningen. For more information about our selection criteria and procedure please click here.

The deadline for application for the 2008/2009 school year is 15 May 2008!
Make sure you have the right qualifications for enrollment
apply for selection
The selection procedure

Step one:
In order to apply for our international bachelor program you first have to take a TOEFL test or an IELTS test. These are tests that measure your knowledge of English. For the TOEFL test you will need to have a minimum score of 550 (or computer based 213) and if you take the IELTS test you will need to have a band 6 as a minimum in order to apply. You have to personally arrange taking the TOEFL test in your home country you can find the procedures and locations where they take the test at: www.ets.org/toefl/ or  www.ielts.org
Step two:
If you want to apply to become a student of our school we will need several things from you. You will need to send us:
- your filled out application form (print it out en fill it in)
- a copy of your diplomas including a copy of last official list of marks
- a copy of a valid ID
- a copy of your birth certificate or a certificate of residence
- the results of your TOEFL or IELTS test
Please note that all diplomas, the list of marks of your recent diploma and your birth certificate or valid ID need to be in English, German, French or Dutch. If this is not the case they have to be translated.
Send this information by post to the following address:
Hoge Hotelschool Maastricht
Bureau Onderwijs
P.O. Box 3900
6202 NX Maastricht
The Netherlands
Step three:
The selection procedure also includes a cognivitive test and a work style test that can be taken via internet. Personal codes will be given to you to take the test.  
Step four:
The next step is to take the telephone interview. This interview is needed to investigate your motivation to study at our school – What do you know about our programme? What do you know about our teaching methods/trainee programmes? Motivation for studying at our school, school organisation, academic programme, internships, motivation for the hotel industry, working experience ( also see www.hotelschoolmaastricht.nl) as also general issues such as living in Holland, Maastricht, sports, hobbies. Furthermore, you should be flexible and prepared to accept the challenge of studying abroad with people of many different cultural backgrounds. In order to successfully complete the study programme, you should be independent and mature enough to live in a foreign country.
The interview will take no longer than 20/30 minutes.
All the results will be sent to the chairman of the selection committee. The committee makes the final decision.  
Step five:
If you are a passport holder from a country that does not belong to the European Union, you must also apply for a visa, which takes a few months to arrange. This costs approx. € 488. For complete information about the Dutch immigration procedures we refer you to www.ind.nl.EN/index.asp or www.nuffic.nl.
Selection fee:
You will be charged a selection fee of € 105, you will be invoiced after you have sat the selection procedure.

qualifications for enrollment The qualifications for enrollment are:

  • Dutch HAVO diploma (equivalent to British O-level standard). All profiles are accepted with a second modern foreign language 1 and 2. The same applies to Dutch VWO diploma (pre-university level) including a second modern foreign language 1. The subject Management and Organisation is strongly recommended.
  • Dutch MBO diploma (professional education intermediary level) with 2 modern foreign languages taken as final exam subjects.
  • Equivalent foreign diplomas such as High School and Lycee.
  • If you have passed Dutch MHS (catering College) at level 4, you can enrol for the 3 year programme at Maastricht Hotel Management School.
Students from non-native speaking English countries will also have to prove that they have a good command of the English language (e.g. a TOEFL score of 550 or an IELTS score of 6.0). Dutch nationals who have completed a six-year international (English language) curriculum are not required to sit the TOEFL test.
How does the Maastricht Hotel Management School select its students?
From the large number of applications, the 300 best candidates are selected. The selection process includes an assessment of your past study performance, an interview with one of the lecturers, and a so-called profile test.

How expensive is studying at the Maastricht Hotel Management School?
The foundation year expenses run to approximately € 7,000. This includes tuition fees, campus expenses (room and service costs), meal contribution, uniforms and books.
In the second, third and fourth year the expenses amount to approximately € 2,200.

Do you live on campus during the foundation year?
Yes, because you live and work in your own hotel (i.e. campus). We see campus as an area where you can develop practical and especially social skills. It will teach you to be tolerant, assertive, to manage conflicts, and it will increase your skills in adapting to new situations and coping with them. Students living on campus stimulate but also correct each other. And, of course, a good time is had by all!

kingkiss  初上贼船  2008-4-7 20:30:00 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国广东广州

回复: 咨询马斯特里赫特酒店管理学院

祝战斗在荷兰的朋友们 学习的学业有成 工作的工作顺利 恋爱的恋爱甜蜜 但前提是别脚踏N船
ferret329  四海霸王  2008-4-7 21:05:13 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: 咨询马斯特里赫特酒店管理学院

Post by kingkiss;3089990
祝战斗在荷兰的朋友们 学习的学业有成 工作的工作顺利 恋爱的恋爱甜蜜 但前提是别脚踏N船

柏拉图y永恒  四海霸王  2008-4-8 16:14:29 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国江苏南京

回复: 咨询马斯特里赫特酒店管理学院

kingkiss  初上贼船  2008-4-9 18:51:58 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国江苏南京

回复: 咨询马斯特里赫特酒店管理学院

能不能把一些详细资料发给我呢 如果发了 会有礼物滴哦
最好是该学院的一些教详细的中文文本 说明啊 要求啊之类的东东~~~
kingkiss  初上贼船  2008-4-9 18:57:41 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国江苏南京

回复: 咨询马斯特里赫特酒店管理学院

南京的小天气很冷啊 据说昨晚超过5000次电闪雷鸣的
漂流在外 迷失欧洲 蜗居荷兰的朋友们大家辛苦了~~
睡觉的时候要穿衣服  不然会冷
柏拉图y永恒  四海霸王  2008-4-10 11:27:42 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国江苏南京

回复: 咨询马斯特里赫特酒店管理学院

厄。。。。我尽量~礼物没什么啦~大家都是战友 互相帮助应该的
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