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I wanna ask whether university have asked anyone of you to send 15000 euro (around$ 150,000 of RMB)bank transfer to them for applying the entry visa
they have mentioned that the bank statement proof was unused now...
can anyone give me some suggestion...
thank you


ha12  见习海盗  2008-4-3 03:26:28 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国浙江宁波

回复: urgent!

which university???
Olive22  四海霸王  2008-4-3 05:42:16 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国广东深圳

回复: urgent!

I have seen this requirement on some schools' website , though I haven't recieved the admission offer yet . Good luck!
Mondayagain  高级海盗  2008-4-3 08:14:55 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: urgent!

I do not know whether it is true or not.
But I know that you need some money in you saving account when you need a entry visa. To show that you have enough money to live in the Netherland
leamov  高级海盗  2008-4-3 11:04:33 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国江苏苏州

回复: urgent!

Mondayagain  高级海盗  2008-4-3 12:46:35 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: urgent!

自在寒武纪  ↗贵宾↗  2008-4-3 13:06:28 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: urgent!

白雪酸奶  ↗贵宾↗  2008-4-3 18:13:09 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: urgent!

Post by 自在寒武纪;3078544

alienluvnever  初上贼船  2008-4-7 16:24:35 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国澳门

回复: urgent!

the university is Utrecht of Roosevelt Academy....‏
amy57j  ↗总版主↗  2008-4-7 17:48:06 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: urgent!

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