请教各位,北方莱瓦顿一定要通过中介申请吗?我本来是自己DIY的,学校回复说自己申请就必须去荷兰参加他们学校的面试,并且他们在中国的面试我也不能参加,以下是学校的回复,请大家帮我出出主意,谢谢啦 !!!
Hello Lyian,
Thank you for your email. Unfortunately, you have to apply via one of our agents if you can not come to one of the intverviews in The Netherlands. Telephone interviews are not used by the recruiter as one can not get a good impression of the person easily via the telephone. The recruiter also plans on visiting China however, he will only visit our agents and have interviews with the students who applied via one of our agents.
Gaby Seemann
Office Manager International Students
Business and Management
NHL University
P.O. Box 1080
8900 CB Leeuwarden
The Netherlands
e-mail: [EMAIL="g.seemann@ecma.nhl.nl"]g.seemann@ecma.nhl.nl[/EMAIL]
tel: 0031-58-2511423
fax: 0031-58-2128169