Post by jwzhangbu;3058993
在国内做高频电路, 有几年工作经验, 哪位学长知道本学校有相关方向的PhD Vacanies ,烦劳给点提示,感觉荷兰人懒还是傲慢? 俺发了好些e-mails向professors表示对某些研究方向有"好感", 问今年有没有或以后是否有vacanies,结果除了小米,没人(professors)踩我!!! 伤心着呢!
高频,就是RFID之类的,和ANALOG IC也搭边
My name is Kofi Makinwa and I head the precision analog circuit design group in Delft. I have a position. The project involves the development of ultra-low-power sensor interface electronics for use in wireless sensor networks RFID. The project will be sponsored by NXP (formerly Philips) Semiconductor, and they will cover the cost of chip fabrication etc.
If you are interested in this project, please contact me as soon as possible, so that we can arrange an interview. However, if you are not interested please let me know as well.
Kofi Makinwa
-- Kofi MakinwaAssociate ProfessorDelft University of TechnologyElectronic Instrumentation Lab.Mekelweg 4, 2628CD DelftThe NetherlandsT +31 15 27 86466F +31 15 27 85755E [EMAIL=""][/EMAIL]W |