Post by woshilei;3026580
这位老兄,你这样说是什么意思? 有烦恼就非得做出一副可怜兮兮, 寻死觅活的样子么? 心里只不过是有个结想不通,但还不至于影响到我的日常生活和情绪吧?
我很感谢众多的朋友给我以鼓励,信心和支持, 中间我也时不时地跟贴. 我觉得这里完全是在讨论一个价值观的问题,如果你觉得我是在哗众取宠,那你完全可以没有必要理会这个贴. 为什么要说这些侮辱人的话呢? never mind about them, strong support you! just don't get yourself into unnecessary trouble, if you want to do research, be a PhD and be happy with being poor; if you want you gf to be happy and have a happy family, get a job! easy.. |