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Onderwerp: PhD position (OIO) at the department of Cell Biology, Erasmus MC - Rotterdam

PhD student (OIO)
Position available at the department of Cell Biology,
Erasmus MC, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
The position
In this project we will implement the latest genomic approaches (high-throughput sequencing,
microarrays) and further develop a highly exciting new technique, called 4C, which allows
searching the genome for DNA fragments that contact each other in the living cell nucleus.
We will characterize enhancers and silencers that loop towards developmentally regulated
target genes in order to identify proteins (master regulators) that control gene expression at
distinct stages of embryonic stem cell differentiation.
The research group
The PhD student will be working in the group of Dr. Wouter de Laat
(http://www2.eur.nl/fgg/ch1/cellbiology/de_laat). The main interest of their research is to
understand how genes are switched on and off during cellular differentiation of mammalian
cells. Recently, the group has made several pioneering contributions to the fields of gene
regulation and nuclear organisation. They have shown that regulatory DNA sequences (e.g.
enhancers) loop towards target genes for their activation. They recently developed novel 4C
technology, a unique genomics approach that allows identification of DNA interactions in the
living cell. In clinical research, 4C accurately maps genomic rearrangements in patient
samples. In ongoing research they aim to apply, and further develop, 4C technology to
address both fundamental research questions and uncover new rearrangements underlying
The department
The Department of Cell Biology at the Erasmus MC offers excellent research facilities and a
very stimulating scientific environment. Facilities include in house micro-array and mass
spectrometry facilities, Solexa high-throughput sequencing facilities, bio-informatics, state-ofthe-
art microscopes, etc. PhD students are offered many courses on a wide range of topics.
Job requirements
We are looking for enthusiastic and motivated scientists who want to perform cutting-edge
research. Candidates should have completed their (doctoraal) (Medical) MSc in Molecular
and/or Cellular Biology or a similar discipline.
Conditions of employment
We offer you a fulltime appointment for a period of 4 years. The gross monthly salary
amounts to 1.966 in the 1st year and increases to 2.519 in the 4th year with a full-time
appointment, according to the PhD salary scales of the CAO UMC. The conditions of
employment are in accordance with the Collective Bargaining Agreement for University
Medical Centres (CAO UMC).
For more information about this position, please contact Wouter de Laat, e-mail
w.delaat@erasmusmc.nl, tel +31-(0)10 7043164.
Please send your application with CV, before the 18th of February 2008, by email to


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ILoveTT  中级海盗  2008-2-5 19:13:50 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

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