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dear students

now i meet a terrible trouble, IND send letter to let me leave Netherland during 28 days, if i can get a new school to accept me before on 1st. March. 2008....(my lawyer told me to arrange one).

So dear all,

which one can leave some information and can hope me to apply new school.

thanks thanks thanks

dear students

now i meet a terrible trouble, IND send letter to let me leave Netherland during 28 days, if i can get a new school to accept me before on 1st. March. 2008....(my lawyer told me to arrange one).

So dear all,

which one can leave some information and can hope me to apply new school.

thanks thanks thanks


zizi0814    2008-1-28 15:50:31 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰
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