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Wageningen University & Research Centre

Vall Hall Larenstein

Academic Year Wageningen University 2013-2014.jpg




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Happyanhao  ↗版主↗  2008-1-12 11:36:16 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: [发布]2008年留学申请答疑专帖,申请学校的同学请进

本帖最后由 jackyzyc 于 2013-8-20 22:00 编辑


Do you have a bed guarantee and how to apply for a room (single/combi/double)

1. You are an international:
a) Future MSc student.
b) Current MSc student reapplying.
c) Exchange student.
d) PhD candidates.
e) VHL student.
f) BSc student.
g) Post doc.
h) Trainee/doing an internship.
i) Other visitor.


Room allocation - Rent information

How does student housing allocate rooms?
When allocating rooms we first start allocating the students that have applied the earliest. We try to match your preferences as best as we can. If your preference is not available then an alternative room will be allocated to you.

The date the room gets allocated to you is the arrival date on your application. Note; once allocated we cannot change it! Let us know beforehand should you be unsure what the exact date of arrival is when you apply. This saves extras costs should you arrive later than planned.I have been allocated a room, what to do next?
We will inform you by email about your address, and the exact procedure about where and how to collect the key and sign the tenancy agreement. In general you will be informed around 2-3 weeks before the start date of rent. In some periods of the year you can collect the key in the Forum building, in some periods you have to collect the key at Idealis or iNFacilities. Therefore please read the instructions you will receive carefully. When you sign your tenancy agreement you have to pay the first month’s rent + the non-recurring costs. See for more information under costs.I am not happy with the room allocated to me, Do I have to accept it?
Please understand that it is very hard to allocate everyone to their choice of preference. Sometimes certain rooms just are not available to us. You can apply for a room change If you are still unhappy with the room after two months of residence.
Note that we cannot estimate how long the waiting time is after application for room change, although students on the waiting list have priority over the rooms that become available, we still do not know how many of which type will be available to us in the future.We will cancel your application in our system if you do not accept the room allocated. You would be responsible to find your own room instead. Note; Should you wish to make a new application then remember that there has to be two months between application and ‘start date’ of rent.

I cannot collect the key myself, can someone else do it for me?
It is possible for someone else to collect the key If you are unable to collect it yourself. Identification is needed if and the person must also know the name of the tenant and the allocated address. The tenant must sign & pay the tenancy agreement the following working day. Otherwise it is mandatory to return the keys to Idealis or iNFacilities.Rent Information.Costs.
The rent for furnished accommodation varies from € 260.- to € 430.- per month depending on the type of room. Be aware that rent will be charged from the date of reservation even when you arrive later than scheduled. Note that we never guarantee a certain room so make sure you have sufficient funds to be able to pay the rent.The rent includes heating, electricity, water, access to the Internet) and a minimum maintenance fee. Rent is due before the first day of the month. You can pay your rent automatically by a standing order through bank or giro or through a pre-printed giro credit slip. You cannot pay in cash!Payment of rent can be arranged at Idealis or iNFacilities after arrival in Wageningen.Non-recurring costs (costs that you have to pay only once) are as follows:

Administration & Bed linen
Administration costs
€ 20.00
Bed linen (per person, not obliged)
€ 35.00

Cleaning costs
Single room with shared facilities.
Double room with shared facilities.
Single room with own kitchen but shared bathroom. Single room with own toilet and shower but shared kitchen.
Double room with own bathroom but shared kitchen.
Single room with self-contained facilities.
Combi apartments.
Beringhem apartments 1 bedroom.
Beringhem apartments 2 bedroom.
Note: You are not obliged to buy a package of bed linen (containing a duvet cover, pillowcase and mattress sheet). You will find it in your room upon arrival, and Idealis and iNFacilities will charge you for this. If you don’t open the package, and you hand it to the care takers, the next month € 35.- will be deducted from your invoice.
Please take notice of the following points:
1. The minimum period of rent is one month. 2. Start date of rent: working days. 3. Student Housing must be informed in case of cancellation. 4. Cancellations will be accepted up to 1½ week before the desired start date of rent. 5. A reservation is binding as of 1½ week prior to the start date of rent. 6. If Student Housing is not notified about a cancellation in time the applicant or contact person can be held accountable for the costs. 7. Room preferences will be taken into account but cannot be guaranteed.

Ending your contract
A tenant should give notice at least one month in advance if the tenant has not got an end date in their contract.
Note; the end date of rent can only be on Monday until Thursday; not on a Friday, Saturday or Sunday or on any national holiday.

How long can I stay in an Idealis room?
It is possible to stay one more year after you have been unregistered from Wageningen UR. Your contract will automatically be terminated by Idealis.

How long can I stay in an iNFacilities room?
It is possible to stay three months and one week more after you have been unregistered from Wageningen UR or once your contract of employment has finished. Your contract will automatically be terminated by iNFacilities.

瓦大网页上单人住房信息There are several types of rooms student housing offers.

The rooms student housing offers are all furnished and include the following: bed (complete with mattress and a basic bed linen package), desk, chair, wardrobe, curtains, wall-to-wall carpeting, central heating, electricity, internet connection, there are washing/drying machines available in the building.

The single rooms may only be occupied by one person.

Types of rooms: Single room with a shared kitchen/bathroom & toilet (shared):


Single room with own wash basin and a shared kitchen/bathroom & toilet (wash-basin):


Single room with private kitchen a shared bathroom & toilet (kitchen):


Single room, with private kitchen, bathroom & toilet (self-contained):


Single room with private toilet & shower and shared kitchen:


Distance* = approximate distance from the Forum building to the room.

Rent Subsidy

Rent Subsidy is a tax refund provided by the Dutch Government, to people who rent a room or a house but don’t have a sufficient income. The rooms in the Earth house, Bornsesteeg and Haarweg (uneven number, managed by Idealis) qualify for rent subsidy.
Requirements to get rent subsidy
1. You are 18 years or older.
2. You have a valid residence permit.
3. You have a BSN Number.
4. You have a Dutch Bank account.
5. You are registered at the municipality with the correct address.
6. You have a DigiD
What do you need to do?
1. Go to the municipality and register, or change your address to your new address after you have signed your rental agreement.
2. You have to open a Dutch bank account,
3. As soon as you have received your BSN number, you can apply for a DigiD,
4. You can start theapplication for rent subsidy via internet after you have registered with DigiD.

· If you apply for rent subsidy for rooms which don’t qualify,
· if you increase the amount for rent and service costs in your application
· if you don’t inform the Belastingdienst about the termination of your rental agreement
· or if you make other mistakes or give false information,
Please be aware, although the Belastingdienst may pay you each month, at the end of the year you will have to refund the whole amount! It is your own responsibility to inform the Belastingdienst about all correct data!
How to apply:
Unfortunately, all the information on the website of The Belastingdienst is in Dutch. If you happen to know a Dutch person who can assist you filling in the forms, please ask him or her to help you. It will take less than an hour to fill in. The Housing Desk can also be contacted.
Please note, processing the rent subsidy application will take up to 8 weeks. The Belastingdienst will grant you the subsidy from the start date of your rent. Usually the Belastingdienst does the monthly payments around the 19th of each month.


Please contact Student Housing (Student Service Centre) for all questions regarding student housing. Do NOT contact Idealis or iNFacilities directly (only contact them if you are already a tenant and have questions not related to your application or extension of your contract)

Student Service Centre, Wageningen University: Forum building (room 019), Droevendaalsesteeg 2, 6708 PB Wageningen

Visiting hours housing office: Tuesday and Thursday from 12:00 till 13:00 o'clock.

Go to Questions & Answers or send your applicationform/question directly to internationalstudent@wur.nl

Contact details Idealis: Idealis office, Duivendaal 1, 6701 AP Wageningen,     

Opening hours: Monday-Thursday, 9.00-16.00 hrs., Friday, 9.00-12.00 hrs.
(only contact idealis if you are already a tenant and have questions not related to your application or extension of your contract)

Contact details iNFacilities office:iNFacilities office, Forum Building, Building 102, Room 019, Droevendaalsesteeg 2, 6708 PB Wageningen.


Email: infacilities@studentlivingwageningen.nl

Opening hours office: Monday - Friday 10:00 - 16.00.

(only contact iNFacilities if you are already a tenant and have questions not related to your application or extension of your contract)

Happyanhao  ↗版主↗  2008-1-12 11:36:34 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: [发布]2008年留学申请答疑专帖,申请学校的同学请进

解语花  ↗贵宾↗  2008-1-12 13:15:59 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: [发布]2008年留学申请答疑专帖,申请学校的同学请进


CASSW001  中级海盗  2008-1-13 16:11:12 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: [发布]2008年留学申请答疑专帖,申请学校的同学请进

CASSW ( Chinese Association of Students and Scholars in Wageningen) 欢迎大家到瓦赫宁根。祝愿大家能在瓦赫宁根享受快乐时光!







l 帮助新生更快融入瓦大
l 举办迎新交流座谈会将,帮助大家更全面的了解瓦大生活和学习
l 召收CASSW新成员,为大家提供广阔平台,锻炼自我
l 收集新同学的‘在荷留学人员登记表’
l 办理‘归国人员留学证明’相关手续
l 定期发布全体邮件,提供住房出租,物品转让,以及奖学金,实习工作等信息
l 与中国驻荷兰大使馆联系
l 筹划协调各种文体活动,展示中国文化
l 更新和维护学生会网站
l 管理瓦大中国足球队,篮球队,乒乓球和羽毛球队
l 管理修车,理发,BBQ器材等常用工具
l 协调CASSW与学校和其他组织的关系
l 促进中荷学术交流
CASSW001  中级海盗  2008-1-13 16:16:28 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: [发布]2008年留学申请答疑专帖,申请学校的同学请进


渡过了辛苦的一晚后,第二天您可以直接到主楼CSA办理学籍注册手续,CSA会给每一位新同学一个精美的手袋,里面有详细的注册说明,告诉您要做哪些事情。请大家按照手册要求进行注册,注册完毕新同学可以参加学校组织的Introduction Week。介绍周活动丰富多彩,是国际学生,认识瓦大的好机会。

瓦大和VHL的学生的住宿问题由房屋中介Idealis负责Idealis提供了五所学生公寓,分别是:Haarweg, Dijkgraaf, Bornsesteeg, Hoevestein Asserpark


Bornsesteeg: [EMAIL="Lijimeng1985@hotmail.com"]Lijimeng1985@hotmail.com[/EMAIL]


Hovestein: F[EMAIL="Flyflier@163.com"]lyflier@163.com[/EMAIL]

Dijkgraaf: F[EMAIL="Fang.gao@wur.nl"]ang.gao@wur.nl[/EMAIL]


荷兰公共汽车公司名叫connexxion,乘坐公共汽车非常便利。汽车票可以在公共汽车上购买,按照距离定价。同时也可以在VVV(荷兰旅游介绍机构——位于瓦赫宁根公共汽车站旁边),或超市购买。车票名为strippen kaart, 票价分为6.80欧元/15格,与20.10欧元/45格,比上车直接买票更实惠。


建议从学生手里购买,因为正规自行车车行里车子价格昂贵也不容易砍价,一般在每栋学生公寓入口处都有宣传黑板,在那里可以找到相关生活和学习信息. 或者可以到学校的二手市场网站去搜索相关信息:http://bulletin.wau.nl,当然www.gogodutch.com/bbs一直也是大家生活学习的好帮手。


4. 手机通讯
荷兰手机有签约和pre-paid两种方式,如果电话打得多,联系比较广泛,推荐签约手机。签约手机分带机入网(e.g. T-Mobile月租减半);还有签约新手机 (e.g. T-Mobile促销期间,可免入网费,但月租没有优惠,根据手机型号不同在补手机差价)。一般新款手机签约达两年都可免费获此手机。刚来的同学一般手机打得不是很多,所以推荐使用pre-paid (可以直接在手机店购买,无需任何材料,充值卡可以在任何超市购买), 但是单价费用会比签约手机要高。拨打中国长途一般可以使用LYCA card sim卡。购买手机或者签约可以去瓦赫宁根主街Hoogstraat,‘T FOR TELCOME’商店,需要提供有效ID和银行帐单。如果没有拿到有效ID卡,可以到鹿特丹商业街的‘唐人’电讯凭护照,有效地址和本月帐单签手机。

荷兰有几家超市价格相对便宜:Aldi (最便宜), Supercoop,C1000, Hoogvliet等等。瓦赫宁根不是很大,可以轻松找到这几个超市。一般的超市或商店都是从早上9点开到晚上8点。周日除饭店,快餐店开门外,其他商店和超市都关门。市中心教堂旁都有open market, 时间是周三是早上8点到中午12点,周六早上8,9点到下午5点。一般临近收摊的时候东西会非常便宜!在这里可以买到新鲜的蔬菜和海鲜产品。瓦赫宁根主街Didi服装店旁边有中国店,也有印尼店和土耳其店,里面也有一些中国货物,但价格昂贵!业可以乘车到附近城市—Arhnem中国店购买中国生活用品。




瓦大的中国留学生全部在ABN AMRO-荷兰银行开设自己的银行账户

1. 护照或ID
2. 学校录取通知函或入学证明;
3. 家庭住址证明;
4. 荷兰当地住址证明
注:家庭住址证明用于证明申请人的原国籍所在国住址,可用房屋产权证,驾照,账单等多种方式,但ABN AMRO目前不接受中文材料,中国学生可在瓦大CSA办理家庭住址证明

1. Currency Account:货币账户,存款可获利息,账户内存款可用ATM取出
2. Saving Account:救命账户,这部分存款有利息,但不能在ATM上取出
每笔存款都会有一部分存入Saving Account,可以调整Saving Account的数额的大小,柜台办理存款业务时可以选择往哪个账户存

首先申请人到银行柜台递交材料,开通账户,设定Saving Account的数额,并可选择其它服务

ABN-AMRO地址:Stadsbringk 43(巴士站背面)


CASSW001  中级海盗  2008-1-13 16:18:16 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: [发布]2008年留学申请答疑专帖,申请学校的同学请进


1. 基础体育设施:
瓦赫宁根大学的体育设施包罗万象,足,篮,排,田径,游泳,乒乓球,羽毛球,网球,壁球等一应俱全。所有的体育内容都可以在学生公寓Bornsesteeg旁边的The SportComplex De Bongerd找到

2. 体育费用:

3. 体育活动:

4. 中国人自己的体育社团:


1. 节日晚会

. 酒吧生活:
荷兰酒吧文化历史悠久,也是年轻人休闲娱乐必不可少的一部分。在瓦村,各种各样的,Unitas, International-club,KSV等等学生club吸引了区多不同国家的学生。有些学生公寓也开设了小酒吧。到了周末就与其他国际学生一同共享丰富多彩的酒吧文化,结交更多的朋友。

3. 荷兰节日:

1. 短期居留(ID卡):

2. 校学生会:
瓦赫宁根大学校学生会由PSF(学生进步党), Veste, CSF(基督教组织)组成,现在校学生会的各个党派开始向国际学生招收新成员。每年的5月是校学生会成员开始竞选活动,竞选成功的话需要休学一年参加校学生会的工作。这是一份正式的学生工作,有工资。学校还有其他学生组织ISP和WSO,ISP(International Student Panel)主要负责国际学生事务面向所有国际学生,主要组织Global Village Day等活动。 WSO (Wageningen Student Organisation)处理学生投诉,住宿纠纷,医疗保险等涉及瓦赫宁根大学学生利益的问题。
秦妞儿  见习海盗  2008-1-16 02:09:42 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国北京

回复: [发布]瓦大中国学生会08年留学申请答疑专帖,申请学校的同学请进

我昨天看到我瓦大申请上的status上显示的是 pre-advice,不知道是什么意思,麻烦各位前辈告诉我一下这是什么意思?
Happyanhao  ↗版主↗  2008-1-16 09:50:35 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: [发布]瓦大中国学生会08年留学申请答疑专帖,申请学校的同学请进

Post by 秦妞儿;2911825
我昨天看到我瓦大申请上的status上显示的是 pre-advice,不知道是什么意思,麻烦各位前辈告诉我一下这是什么意思?

taelyjia  初上贼船  2008-2-20 15:01:01 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国江苏扬州

回复: [发布]瓦大中国学生会08年留学申请答疑专帖,申请学校的同学请进

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