When you are coming to Holland, you also need a legalised(*) original birth certificate and your Hukou(是户口吧 ) translated in English.
I phoned the Dutch Immigration and Naturalisation Service (IND), and they say that your copy (and translated) of your Hokou is alright for the request of the MVV (what I'm going to do for you). But I've you come to Holland in September and you are going to register at the municipal administration, for example in Utrecht, then you must however, have your original Hukou. You don't have to legalised your translated Hukou. I hope that this information is ok for now.
关于户口这个我还是不清楚,申请MVV的时候需要户口吗?怎么给他copy?直接去学校拿户口卡复印一下?那翻译呢?可以自己做还是说要找北京公证处?另外我还是不理解,我到荷兰应该带什么户口?我印象中是应该消户的啊 。还一个:户口可以自己随便拿着吗?
请版上有经验的哥们给小弟一点指导,多谢 |