终于可以邀请大家参加我的答辩了,在delft六年,从硕士到博士, 认识很多人, 也要感谢很多人。 不认识我的同学, 感兴趣的, 也欢迎来参加。
You are cordially invited to attend the public defense of my Ph.D dissertation entitled:
A Studio Based Approach for Business Engineering and Mobile Services
on Wednesday 9 January 2008 at 15:00 exactly, in the Senaatszaal of the aula of Delft University of Technology, in Mekelweg 5, Delft, The Netherlands.
Prior to the official session, I will present an introduction to the content of the dissertation at 14:30.
You are also invited to the reception after the defense at the same location.
Yan Wang // Systems Engineering-TBM-TUDELFT
另外,如果有朋友近期从北京回荷兰, 请悄悄话给我, 想托人带点东西。