If you hold a valid Dutch residence permit and your transit is not
longer then 24 hours and you will get your connecting flight from the
same airport, there is no transit needed
for details see :
<http://www.britishembassy.gov.uk ... eedAVisa?url=%2Fser
There is no such thing as transitting the United States without a visa. Nationals of visa waiver countries can use the Visa Waiver Program (VWP) to transit through the United States on the way to another country, provided they meet all conditions of the VWP.
All other travelers who stop over will need a C visa or B2 visa to transit. Even if your flight only stops in the U.S. and you do not depart the plane you still require a visa as the Transit Without a Visa program has been discontinued.
Crewmembers of airlines or maritime organizations often qualify for a C visa in combination with a crewmember D visa.