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kabuer  海贼王  2007-8-14 02:08:49 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国福建厦门

回复: 出事了 mvv剛剛被拒!!!! 學費住宿都交了!!!!!

大致看了下,是因为LZ的材料太不全了,差了好多东西. 之前他们让你们补材料你也没有交上去,估计给你发的也是荷兰文,

1. 学业证明 studieverklaring
2. 录取通知书
3. 资金证明


如果LZ需要帮忙 MSN联系
nikoleung  初上贼船  2007-8-14 03:49:04 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国香港

回覆: 回复: 出事了 mvv剛剛被拒!!!! 學費住宿都交了!!!!!

Post by kabuer;2477185
大致看了下,是因为LZ的材料太不全了,差了好多东西. 之前他们让你们补材料你也没有交上去,估计给你发的也是荷兰文,

1. [color="Red"]学业证明 studieverklaring
2. 录取通知书
3. 资金证明


如果LZ需要帮忙 MSN联系

[color="Red"]学业证明 studieverklaring is those certificates I have in Hong Kong?

thanks!!!!!!! thanks so much for everyone's help here....
kabuer  海贼王  2007-8-14 04:34:46 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国福建厦门

回复: 出事了 mvv剛剛被拒!!!! 學費住宿都交了!!!!!

nikoleung  初上贼船  2007-8-14 06:35:26 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国香港

回覆: 出事了 mvv剛剛被拒!!!! 學費住宿都交了!!!!!

so it's a "purpose of stay", right?

hey i also got another question regarding the insurance, did you guys all buy the insurance from IPS b4 you arrive holland?
kabuer  海贼王  2007-8-14 07:30:40 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国福建厦门

回复: 出事了 mvv剛剛被拒!!!! 學費住宿都交了!!!!!

lvxinxin  中级海盗  2007-8-14 13:50:36 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国北京

回复: 出事了 mvv剛剛被拒!!!! 學費住宿都交了!!!!!


luwenli  见习海盗  2007-8-14 14:32:45 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国天津

回复: 出事了 mvv剛剛被拒!!!! 學費住宿都交了!!!!!

nikoleung  初上贼船  2007-8-14 16:36:08 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国香港

回覆: 出事了 mvv剛剛被拒!!!! 學費住宿都交了!!!!!

yea thanks everybody, i called the school, IND, and the dutch embassy in hong kong today,

haha i guessed the hong kong consulate finally feel sympathy for my situation coz they helped me to translate a FEW lines....

then the IND urged me to contact the school and asked them to help...

then i called the school and woo, the student administrator said he sent a letter to IND telling them tht i will be the student in the school and apologized for the late submission of all my documents (.....無言), then he thoroughly translated everythg for me and told me wut to do, 其實我今早便到其他大學的網頁看看有什麼資料幫到手, 果然很多都有guidelines說明financial proof and insurance things... 希望能盡快gather all informations and reapply for mvv....
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