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Sorry to bother you guys again!

I  would like to choose a professor as my supervisor  in  a group of ee of  TUD.  In  that  group  these  are  2 prof. ,3 associate prof. and 3 assistent prof in academic staff .Do all of  them have  qualification to be supervisor of PhD ? Give me some advice pls.

BTW: what is a "promoter" mean in Holland?

Thank you again.


invasion  四海霸王  2007-6-13 17:50:53 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: How to choose PhD's supervisor

Post by unixtea;2286060
Sorry to bother you guys again!

I would like to choose a professor as my supervisor in a group of ee of TUD. In that group these are 2 prof. ,3 associate prof. and 3 assistent prof in academic staff .Do all of them have qualification to be supervisor of PhD ? Give me some advice pls.

BTW: what is a "promoter" mean in Holland?

Thank you again.

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