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happyeurope  初上贼船  2007-5-20 21:15:39 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: 骑车游欧洲

Post by mussel;2223487
7月出发,骑车从ADAM 到SPAIN,单程,坐飞机回来的。他大约50岁,和妻子同行
可行的计划,荷兰的旅行社有 bike tour package.it sounds practical!

rebeccawang0114  中级海盗  2007-5-20 22:32:52 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: 骑车游欧洲

If it is realizable, please inform me. I hope  to  join you,  although  i  am  afraid that my strengh is not enough.  My email:rebeccawang0114@gmail.com. I am living in Leiden.
louis18  中级海盗  2007-5-21 05:28:37 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国北京

回复: 骑车游欧洲

xtlxyl  见习海盗  2007-5-21 06:55:02 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国天津

回复: 骑车游欧洲

mussel  高级海盗  2007-5-21 09:34:26 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: 骑车游欧洲

Post by TVNL;2223585



,what is the difference between 留学生 and my colleague?   financially or physically or mentally or sth else?.I did not get it .  If my colleague can make it, we can make it as well, i can not  see the point why we can not. If you can point out the reason, maybe we can work on that .

One of my friends made his bike tour between holland and Italy in the summer vacation every year, it is kind of hobby for him. he lost a bit weight when he came back (around 10kg during the trip), really tough physical training .
mussel  高级海盗  2007-5-21 09:43:18 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: 骑车游欧洲

Post by happyeurope;2223705

may i get your email account? I can introduce you to my colleague by email.
For the details, you can talk with him directly, i did not make the long biking trip personally.
But i biked in the mountian area in the spain and France just for a couple of  days.It is really dangerous. You have to be ready physically and mentally.The experience to bike in the mountain area is highly wanted. If you have no experience to make a long trip by bike before (mountain area), such ambitious plan is not really practical in fact.   But everything is possible. talk with my colleague for the details. good luck!
happyeurope  初上贼船  2007-5-22 21:29:15 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: 骑车游欧洲

Post by mussel;2224898
may i get your email account? I can introduce you to my colleague by email.
For the details, you can talk with him directly, i did not make the long biking trip personally.
But i biked in the mountian area in the spain and France just for a couple of days.It is really dangerous. You have to be ready physically and mentally.The experience to bike in the mountain area is highly wanted. If you have no experience to make a long trip by bike before (mountain area), such ambitious plan is not really practical in fact. But everything is possible. talk with my colleague for the details. good luck!

My e-mail is translatorpk@hotmail.com
Thanks you for your help!
bobo.jin  海贼王  2007-5-23 13:37:08 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 西班牙

回复: 骑车游欧洲

口水軍團  海贼王  2007-5-23 13:56:49 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: 骑车游欧洲

Post by bobo.jin;2230827
- 乾脆夢游歐洲怎麽樣?
- 全世界也可以
- 全宇宙好了
- 夢游我傢也可以。。。
bobo.jin  海贼王  2007-5-23 14:00:23 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 西班牙

回复: 骑车游欧洲

Post by 口水軍團;2230872
- 乾脆夢游歐洲怎麽樣?
- 全世界也可以
- 全宇宙好了
- 夢游我傢也可以。。。

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