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miffy  海贼王  2007-5-3 09:05:20 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: 度假了...度假了...

Post by shopgirl;2172442
but you will need a new passport anyway. so why not go get one. so next time you won't have the same problem anymore
question, how to get a visa to turkey...they have some really nice and cheap holidays there. 5 stars hotels by the sea...looks fantastic...


我现在的护照上面有sticker, 拿id前,不能换新护照。都被个id卡死了
shopgirl  海贼王  2007-5-3 09:09:50 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: 度假了...度假了...

we had a few relaxed days in brussels. its actually just 3 hours drive from my place. but indeed, the parking is bit annoying there. we lived in the center next to the big church there. so the hotel doesn't have parking lot themselves. but parking for 3 days there cost about 40 euro. so it is still okay. I love the seafood street there...remind me of Shanghai a lot... so crowded...

so how long ago did you apply for ID already? is that your first time for partnership id?
miffy  海贼王  2007-5-3 09:25:13 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: 度假了...度假了...

Long time ago. already few months passed. No, not the first one.
芥末  海贼王  2007-5-3 09:29:25 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: 度假了...度假了...

本来计划好了假期 什么都预订好了  
后来还是决定养狗狗 就把一切cancel了 现在一切以我家狗狗为主
shopgirl  海贼王  2007-5-3 09:32:33 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: 度假了...度假了...

Post by miffy;2172494
Long time ago. already few months passed. No, not the first one.
poor you. so this time maybe you can get a long term id :) so you don't need to deal with IND for a while
shopgirl  海贼王  2007-5-3 09:33:02 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: 度假了...度假了...

Post by 芥末;2172502
本来计划好了假期 什么都预订好了
后来还是决定养狗狗 就把一切cancel了 现在一切以我家狗狗为主
can't you send the dog to such dog-care house?
芥末  海贼王  2007-5-3 09:37:05 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: 度假了...度假了...

Post by shopgirl;2172514
can't you send the dog to such dog-care house?
mm你不养狗吧 ?
我家狗狗才9个星期 在狗狗的第一年的时间 陪伴狗狗训练狗狗是很重要的 怎么忍心让他呆在动物旅馆呢

而且我们定的是3个星期的假期 太长了 动物旅馆 一个晚上50欧 21个晚上 1050欧 太贵了

ps 忘了说我们定的是 法国南部的几个裸体camping基地 就是除了在餐厅吃饭以外 大家男女老少都是裸的 当然了 自己有自己的帐篷阿空间阿
shopgirl  海贼王  2007-5-3 09:41:30 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: 度假了...度假了...

I am allergical to animals. My brother in law has a dog. And if I stay in the same house with it for few hours, I start to have breathing problems. So I get medicine now. Whenever I know I am going to encount this dog for a longer time, I will have to take the pills 1 hour in advance. Then I will be okay.

But I can't accept being nude among all other people anyway. haha.
芥末  海贼王  2007-5-3 09:45:21 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: 度假了...度假了...

赫赫 我男人的姐夫也是对动物过敏 每次过来都要吃药

我之前是经常去荷兰的裸体桑拿 习惯之后 再打算去camping的
其实裸体桑拿很不错很放松的 你可以从天体海滩开始适应
只要有健康平和的心态 就没有问题
shopgirl  海贼王  2007-5-3 09:49:38 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: 度假了...度假了...

why u can't relax with a bikini on then?
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