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Dear all,

There are only two days to go from the sign-up deadline! Make up your mind and join us!

As the co-organiser of this dinner party, I would like to remind everybody that we are going to have a lottary after the dinner. Each family will bring one small gift, such as a chocolate bar or a little plant...(really don't need to be expensive). Do remember to pack it up without letting others see what it is!

We will put the numbers on it and every family will draw a number from a box. I suggest to put a piece of paper with wishes in the gift while a question (such as "where did you meet your bf or hubby", "Do you remember how did you start the first conversation" ...) is optional.

Another thing I would like to share with you is: there will be some celebration activities at Nieuwemark between 12am-5pm. You can check the free Chinese newspaper for more informations. ( So far as I know, the most enjoyable activity will start at aroud 4pm)

I will see all of you next weekend!

Good Luck!


一颗尘埃  海贼王  2007-2-8 20:21:14 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: Some Extra Informations about the New Year's Party from Co-organizer Y

why-tea  高级海盗  2007-2-8 20:31:34 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: Some Extra Informations about the New Year's Party from Co-organizer Y


sorry, i can not type in Chinese even after downloaded ZiGuang or any other stuff~

The same information as i posted in our YahooGroup
natalie919vk  海贼王  2007-2-8 22:15:29 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: Some Extra Informations about the New Year's Party from Co-organizer Y

这是一则年夜饭晚餐聚会的提醒信(参见链接 http://www.gogodutch.com/-t147873.html? - 大年三十晚阿姆斯特丹海上皇宫家庭聚会!),来自另一位组织者媛媛,她的电脑不能写中文。所以我简单提一下。


需要提醒大家的是,每个家庭请带一份小小小的礼物(如果单人来,你要带礼物,也会有礼物拿,不带就没有喽)- 像巧克力之类的小东西。特别提醒:像一双可爱的袜子,一顶好笑的帽子,都没有问题啦。礼物一定要包起来。我们会编上号,然后饭后,每个家庭抽出一个号,打开自己抽到的礼物与大家分享。所以包礼物之前,不要忘记附上一张小纸条写上一句祝福的话哦!过新年哦!当然你也可以附带一个可爱的小问题,像你在那里遇见你的伴侣的,他/她当时在做什么之类的。中文英文荷兰文都行哦!如果有必要,我们可爱的媛媛小姐会可亲可敬地帮你翻译的!:D

好了,大家赶快决定吧~ 还有两天!周六傍晚截至哦!
natalie919@hotmail.com; yuanyuan_1014@msn.com
natalie919vk  海贼王  2007-2-11 11:55:04 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: Some Extra Informations about the New Year's Party from Co-organizer Y

告急!截至今天凌晨,整整24对半已报名确认!就是说49位已确定(最后的第50位应该是留给清清的了)。如果还有人要来,只能在waiting list上等,除非在2对还没有汇款的家庭取消后才可以加入;或者,还有整整额外的5对参加!





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