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Who is interested in teaching or learning Korean style dance, eg: Hip-Hop, R&B, etc.

Boring Holland, let's do something.


bw921  中级海盗  2006-12-21 16:24:56 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: Dance dance

No one?
飞天小猪  见习海盗  2006-12-21 17:52:24 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: Dance dance

bw921  中级海盗  2006-12-21 18:09:45 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: Dance dance

So we can form a group to learn dance,  enjoy the life here.

MM, Can you dance Korean style?
qiyang  高级海盗  2006-12-21 23:41:55 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: Dance dance

bw921  中级海盗  2006-12-27 00:09:53 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: Dance dance

more more people.
Also someone who can teach.
We can pay you.
〓Gabriel〓  四海霸王  2006-12-27 00:12:13 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: Dance dance

汗  以为lz要授课呢

自创一派啊 干嘛学高丽棒子的
bw921  中级海盗  2006-12-27 10:06:58 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: Dance dance

Only for entertainment, did you see what i wrote at the beginning?
joy19841204  见习海盗  2006-12-27 19:26:00 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: Dance dance

i like hip-hop..in the past learned some in China...
auvandy  中级海盗  2006-12-29 23:15:59 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: Dance dance

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