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谁在荷兰当地市政厅办过Guarantee Letter

本人欲邀请太太今年暑假来荷探亲,据荷兰驻中国使馆称,需要本人居住地市政厅出具的Guarantee Letter。有那位朋友有此方面经验,烦请指教,需要什么具体手续呢?另外,持此种探亲签证,来了以后是否可以在申根国家旅游呢?


compucat  中级海盗  2003-1-9 16:44:46 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 英国
I assume you wife will stay here for less than 3 month. Hope the following text will help.

You want to invite someone to the Netherlands for a holiday for a period of less than 3 months. This person comes from a country where you are required to have a visa (China).

For you, the "Holiday" and the Visa procedures are relevant. You will find a description of your procedures on this and the following pages.


Your guest may stay no longer than 3 months in the Netherlands. He will also be able to travel within the Schengen area in that period. However, before visiting any Schengen countries, you should find out which admission conditions are in force.

In order to be able to stay in the Netherlands, your guest will have to satisfy certain conditions anyway.

He must have a valid passport;
He must have sufficient means to support himself;
He must not become a danger to public order or to national security.

On crossing the Dutch border, you guest must first report to a checkpoint of the border patrol. He must then report to the Aliens Police within 3 working days.


Coming to the Netherlands
A visa for a short stay is a Schengen visa that entitles the holder to a stay of a maximum of 3 months in the Schengen countries. These are: the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, Germany, France, Spain, Italy, Portugal, Austria, and Greece. With a Schengen visa, it is possible to travel through the Schengen countries for as long as the visa is valid.

If your guest wants to come to the Netherlands with a visa, a number of steps have to be taken first.

The application
You can collect a letter of invitation from you local council, which you should send with the documents listed below to your guest in the foreign country.

A copy of your passport;
Copies of your last 3 payslips (or other proof of your income or assets)

In order to obtain a visa, your guest will have to satisfy certain conditions:

He must not represent a danger to public order or to national security.
He must have sufficient means to support himself; Your guest satisfies this condition if he has enough income himself, or if you as referee act as guarantor for the costs of his stay and return journey.
The Aliens Police might therefore ask you to sign a guarantee declaration.

Your guest will then have to make a personal application at the Dutch diplomatic representation (embassy or consulate) in the country where he is staying. This will involve filling out a Schengen visa application form.
As well as your papers, your guest must produce the following documents at the embassy or consulate:

A valid passport;
A return ticket when your guest goes to collect the visa

The visa
The embassy or the consulate will pass the request on to the Visa Service in the Netherlands. The Visa Service makes sure that all conditions have been satisfied. Once the application has been approved, your guest will be notified by the embassy or consulate. It is therefore advisable for him to wait until the visa has been approved before he books his journey.
The visa is valid for a limited period only. The start and end date of the valid period are stated on the sticker. Once your guest has a visa in his passport, he can travel to the Netherlands.

Once he has arrived in the Netherlands, your guest must report at the regional Aliens Police within 3 working days.
sandy502  见习海盗  2003-1-9 21:35:37 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰
meihq  初上贼船  2003-1-10 10:07:26 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰
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