. uu- (long uu-: this sound is completely unknown in English. It is produced by shaping the lips as for the English sounds under 7 or the Dutch ee and then pouting the lips as though you were going to whistle or kiss). It is found in Dutch words such as vuur (fire) and muur (brick wall). Exercise 10. Read the following words aloud: minuut, schuren, duur, gruwel, puur, ruzie, muziek, stuur.
Note vi: If the u- appears at the end of a syllable, it is pronounced like uu-. This is the case in words like muren (walls), avonturen (adventures), evalueren (to evaluate), rumoer (noise) and vuren (fires). 
Exercise 11. Break the following words up into syllables: muziek, vlugger, puur, rust, turen, lucht, vluchten, rusten, Welterusten.