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Where are you going to work?  
CCIC Europe Food Test BV is a newly set up testing company, part of CCIC Europe BV, being an independent third party that provides inspection, verification, certification and testing services for European companies that ship goods to China.

The core services of CCIC Europe Food Test BV involve testing on food and dairy products that will be shipped to China. We also provide consultancy and technical support for companies willing to enter the Chinese market.

- Financial administrator(Full time)

- Lelystad

What does the job involve?  
We are currently looking for independent worker with an international outlook who has financial experience and can work in both Chinese and English.
You will be the main financial support for the general manager and responsible for the set up of the financial and administrative department of the newly set up company.
Especially in the start up phase of the company, this job requires you to handle a wide variety of tasks and responsibilities.

Your tasks include:
  • Controlling the financial strategy and budget
  • Overseeing the day-to-day financial administration and report directly to the managing director;
  • Processing payments and managing debtor/creditor administration.
  • Reporting to CCIC Headquarters  
  • Additional all round administrative tasks

  • Bachelor degree or higher
  • Background in Finance, Accounting or Business Administration  
  • Driving license (B)  
  • Professional level Chinese and English. Fluent Dutch is a plus.

  • At least two years of working experience in similar function

  • Competent multilingual ability
  • Independent and detail-orientated worker
  • Basic computer skills like MS Office and Office Suite software

What we offer?
We offer you an interesting job in an international, dynamic and innovative environment with short communication lines and professional openness. You will have the unique opportunity to help jumpstart a new business with the space to develop your skills and interests.

Please send your motivation and resume to Ms. D.Yu, e-mail: administration@ccicnl.com

Only suitable candidates will be considered and contacted for this role.

来源: CCIC EuropeFoodTestBV招财务专员,有相关工作经验,中英文流利
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