本帖最后由 vickyliu123 于 2017-2-13 21:51 编辑
今天是第二次考理论了,第一次因为第二部分错了6个,所以没过。今天考试在Eindhoven. 受益于荷兰网友的鸡精,所以也来回馈一下。
第一部分,错了6个, 记得的不太多1. 路口小孩有大人陪同准备过马路,时速40,--减速
2. 前方moped, 你时速50,--刹车
3. 球在路边--刹车[size=14.6667px]4. 前方有人骑马,时速40--刹车
[size=14.6667px]5. 电动车在前面,[size=14.6667px]时速50--[size=14.6667px]刹车
[size=14.6667px]7.大货车在倒车- 刹车
[size=14.6667px]1.路滑,问那种情况下对面来车容易到你的车道上,两张图,左转弯和右转弯- 我选的左转,不确定
2. 房子的出口处有一个 N P 在地面上, 问能不能停在这让人上车。 我选的能
4. 两幅图,小孩放前排,问小孩怎么放比较安全--倒着放
5. level crossing, 什么情况下表明火车来了? 红灯
6. 两幅图: 两个人都牵着狗要过马路,一个拿着盲人杆,一个没有,问给哪个让路? 拿盲人杆的
7.长虚线和短虚线哪个预警前方路况有变? 长虚线
8. erf 区, 问行人能不能实用the whole width road. 能
9.蓝色线unloading,问需不需要parking disc.--不需要
10. 药物会不会影响driving- 会
11. 在省道上,你拖车,问限速多少:80(选最小的那个)
12. 你reverse 停车,要不要让自行车--要
13. 一个小孩在前方骑车,怎么超车? 我选的减速,给孩子留足够的空间
14. 在紧急车道上起步,在不在紧急车道上加速--要
15. junction 后看到priority的牌子,你在什么区域?--outside build-up area
16. 两条道去breda非常堵,一条道去鹿特丹方向没车,你开在鹿特丹方向, 应该注意什么? 注意可能breda方向的车改道
17.photocopy的驾照是否有效 --没有
18 Tunnel 开什么灯? - dip lights
19. 怎么样更环保? 在适当的时候换high gear
20.roundabout (hovergen 在圆盘的3/4), 问你第几个exit出去: 3
21.你想左拐弯,但是车队的第一辆车已经从左边开到右边了,问你能穿过车队么- 不行
22.交警手势题:我选的是approching traffic stop
上周才从国内过完年回来,看了5天的理论,因为我没有买书,从gogodutch 上面下载了600题,把所有题目做了一遍,总结了一下考点,我把我总结的考点也放上来,大家可以看看。 感觉考的点比较细,需要细心一点(如果看书的话,穷人没买书。。。)
为了熟悉考试的速度,所以买了5小时theorie online practice,这里面的题目要难于真实考试,建议不要care practice的result,主要让自己熟悉考试的peace就好。我这个还剩2小时50分钟,放着也浪费了,有需要的小伙伴可以联系我哟。
part 2: 考点总结: 1. Inside build area, driving speed is 50km/h 省道:Outside build-up area, the speed limit is 80km/h (All normal speed, at leat 50km/h) 省道主干道: 100km/h 最快 In motorway, the speed limit is 120km/h (at least 60 )
2. The military convoy is on the crossroad, you should wait even you are on priority road and have green traffic light.
3. Directions by authorized persons- 小人顺时针转90度,手的指向就是要停下的方向。
4. 住宅区洗车, 不能停在pavement。
5. blood content < 0.5milligrams per milliliter ( driving experience more than 5 years) < 0.2 milligrams ( driving experience less than 5 years)
alchol content < 220 < 88
6. 人工呼吸,一分钟12次 (心肺复苏同时进行,8次就ok 7. when the visibility is very low, the max speed is 50km/h 8. visibility is low(less than 50m), speed 50, save distance, no rear fog lights (是否开雾灯,应该是看选项情况) 9. Emergency number: 112 10. Bus stop is not allowed to stand still ( can let passenger to get in and out, without obscue the traffic) 11. Indicate (in the emergency line) before you actually drive off, not you want to or prepare to 12. Overtaken should keep a wide distance: bicycles, motro-assisted bicycles and mopeds 13. Stop didstance: Bus stop (12), junction (8) 14. (4/17) 考点是标志的含义,并没有考单行道。 15. safety distance calculation: 70/3.6*2 (2 seconds rule) 2*( 70:10*3) 16. when leaving the priority road, you must be given right of way by all drivers approacking the bend 17. when to give way to tram(even you have the priority): coming towards you and cross your vehicle. 18. You should have finished your overtaken manoeure (on single carriageway) well before a parking line with parked vehicles or before (petrol station on the other side) 19. Tracks: one level cross means there is one track, two level cross means there are two or more tracks .? Yes 20, You are allowed to overtake from right if ti’s block marking 20. 标示牌只适用于drivers, pedestrian 不是driver!
Exam 6-12 1. overtaken is not allowed in the junction 2. when to indicate you want to leave ? 80 km- 150m 3. lorry- slante trailer and car trailer- rectangular 4. Separate carriageway, left as much as possible. 5. Can not allow passenger get out: bus lane, yellow line without stop, in the junction 6. Follow a motor is not allowed, because the distance is too short, view is not good enough 7. Loading/unloading: without blue card is ok 8. Fog light:Front fog lights can only be used when fog, snow or rain seriously impede visibility