本帖最后由 willleo123 于 2016-9-24 00:30 编辑
Will's dancing (popping) workshop one on one, lets crack on! Are you interested in street dance especially body pop? lets stay real and give it a go for real popping.
Private workshop aims to teach popping foundations in order to learn self-solo with any reasonable given music. Dancing is all about dance to the music and creative thinking to dig out your own style.
Price: 1st hr for free, negotiable price /hr afterwards.
Will has years of experience in giving workshops to different age groups, he represented as a guest being invited to perform at major venues of festivals and events such as national library musical theatre etc, and many as well as used to be a part time dancing teacher whilst in China, Netherlands and the UK. He learnt dancing through classes, workshops, and master teachers world wild.
Contact wechat: willleo123 Cheers!