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Première scientificfiction film 'On Being a Scientist' April 7th 2016
Can narrative fiction preparestudents for work in science and the pitfalls they may encounter? The film OnBeing a Scientist demonstrates how fiction can be utilised for education and tostart discussions among viewers.
On April 7th,Leiden University will hold a première for the film produced by Crochettafilms, which is used for the namesake bachelor course currently taught at theFaculty of Science. Primary goal is to launch the film for a wider audienceunder a permissive licence (Creative Commons). And: Discuss about the rolenarrative fiction can play in education.
Film, Fiction and Education
Complex,expensive and time-consuming. But also, grand, immersive and recognizable.Storytelling is one of the oldest forms of information transfer, especiallyconcerning whom or what humans should be. Through the experiences of fictionalcharacters, portrayed by some of the best Dutch actors, among whom Sigrid tenNapel and Rijnout Bussemaker, everyday scientific dilemma’s take on arecognisable form and invite involvement. The film has been written anddirected by Gouden Kalf awardee Joost van Ginkel. The English spoken film issubdivided into 9 consecutive episodes, each of which independently highlightsa specific aspect of science, but also form an overarching storyline when takentogether. This makes the film widely usable for a range of educationalpurposes, both in the Netherlands and abroad.
Q&A with producers,professors and director
After the screening of the film there will be an interactive discussion on thecreation of the film and the vison behind it, led by vice-rectorSimone-Buitendijk with project lead Bas Haring, co-professor Frans vanLunteren, director Joost van Ginkel and co-producer Remco vanSchadewijk.

For whom?
The première is intended for academics, PhD-students, students, butespecially also teachers, policy makers and education professionals.Participation in this event is free.
11:30h Receptionwith lunch
12:00hIntroduction film by Bas Haring
12:15h ScreeningOn Being a Scientist
13:20h Q&ASession led by Simone Buitendijk
13:40h Drinks
The premiere will take place in the characteristic grand cinema of BioscoopTrianon, Breestraat 31, 2311 CH Leiden. There is parking at Haagweg 8.

Registration is encouraged for catering considerations, please signup. https://www.jotform3.leidenuniv.nl/form/60634107142

More Information:
Questions regarding the première may be directed at Mirella Imthorn,Evenementenbureau: mmh.imthorn@bb.leidenuniv.nl
Questions regarding theproject may be directed at: Remco van Schadewijk r.van.schadewijk.2@umail.leideuniv.nl


Frederika  海贼王  2016-3-19 16:57:16 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰
mocmod  高级海盗  2016-3-31 22:18:19 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰
Frederika 发表于 2016-3-19 16:57

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