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QQ  space is  started doing last year  ,this year  focus  is mainly on the  Sohu  blog  . Today  the  lotus flower  (  Q1:  to see if their  loved one sleeping  in front of you,  what will you do?  A:  pinch the nose,louboutin,  trouble.
  Q2:  love  songs  ?A:  freely  ,today  is like listening to  Gigi Leung    Bob    .Q3:  when you  don  what  color,Louboutin shoes,  what colour would you choose  ?A: white  or  black.  Q4:2006  you  most regret  thing is  ?A:  seem to not  want to  regret it.
  Q5:  had  most moved  thing is what?  A:  more  recently  moved  .Is the  father  of wine  at the high    .Q6:  like  mom or dad?  A:  love  .Either the  mother or father  gave me  too  much  .Q7: you  want  5 things  :A: health  (  including  mom and Dad  )  ,career  ,family  ,other  don  Q8:  last heartfelt smile  when?  A:  mother  first  initiative to me  to buy clothes.
  Q9:  if you have a chance  to go to  any place in the world  of travel  ,where would you go  ?A:  Tibet Q10: if  the time can flow backwards  you  hope to return to  the day  ?  A:2001  years in September 11th Q11:  is your ideal lover  what  ?A:  ,Muna  ,a little  belly  ,inclusive of  Q12:  three wishes  what  ?A:  family health,  work  ,family  happiness  smooth Q13:  I am in your eyes  what kind of?  A:  ,more intelligent  ,outspoken  .
Super  delicate feelings  ,Q14: if you  have  a  super power  ,what  would you like to  have  ?Why  ?A: health  Q15:  ,which like most  movie  ?    Q16:  A:  if  love  and  love  to meet the people  ,want to  wear what kind of  ?A:  lady  ,with  Han  wind  .
Q17:  if there is an afterlife  you choose to be a  man  ,Christian Louboutin Outlet,Hh  A:  Q18: most  like  food  ?A:  mustard  is not  class Q19:  how to  love  people express  ?A:  not  to  like  people express  ,just want to use  action to prove  a  point  .
Q20:  if you love a person who  doesn  you?  A:  as in the past  to  bury the love in  heart  Q21:  you  may choose  having  * * * before  marriage  ?A:***  refers to the  ML  ?Q22:  if one day  ,the most important thing in your life  away from you,  what will you do  ?A:  inextricably bogged down in  for a long time  ,but  still  will smile to  live.
  Q23:  the end of the world  ,You will survive  ,and you can  save a person  ,what will you  do  ?A: who also  does not save  the world  ,if  there are only two people,louboutin pas cher,  I still  feel lonely  .Q24:  you care about others  see  your vision  ?For  all objections and  give up the thing that you want  or  people  ?A:  ;Q25:  will you make friends with me  ?A: if you  mean men and women  friends,  so  we  have an intermediate  sex  is wrong.
  Q26: he  (  she  )  late  how long will you  ?A: I hope  for  punctuality  ,give me a  reason  to explain  how Q27:  really  love  a  ?A:  when love becomes  receptive  .Q28: when  I think of  ?A: my  personal feelings  when problems arise  .
Q29:2007  years  most want to do?  A:  to look for a  boyfriend  ,a quiet  love to talk about a  person  .Q30:  is what ah  ?A: not be  others  spittle  drown  ,Louboutin Pas cher!Q31: if  one day you die  ,what hope is  death  ?A:  love my  people  I  love  people  around me  ,although  I love people  watching  me go  is very  cruel  ,but still let me  a selfish  !Q32:  friends  is what kind of  ?A:  Ann  .
Q33:  how to reject  those who pursue you  ?A: I  Why don  consider  him  for  .Q34:  what you want to do most  animal  ?A: pig  ,preferably  white  spots  that,  quite lovely  .Q35:  feel  and a person  stay together  one day  tired  ?(  friends and lovers  )  A:  not  ,light is really flat  .
Q36:  blue  when how to do  ?A:  do not speak  ,in a daze.  Q37: is best suited for  you  a  place  ?A:  noisy places  ,I  didn  .Q38:  did the most  happy dream  is  ?A: don  work.  Q39:  the first  read  fiction?  A:  do not remember the name  ,is a  novella  ,story  still remember  ,like  Q40:.
  If one day  ,Louboutin,you hurt  their loved ones,  will be how to do  ?A: escape  !I am not a hero  .Q41:  makes you the most  unforgettable place  ?A:  Nanchang  ,now  want to go back to the original  primary school  places.
  Q42:  you use their own  money to buy  items  the bottom line  price is many  ?Buy  what?  A:5  cents  ,louboutin pas cher,Tintin  sugar  !Q43:  what  ?A:  too much,  in the office and  colleagues  have  no flavor  edamame  also quite  unforgettable  .
Q44:  Valentine  who spent  ?Will give each other  gifts  ?A: and  their  Q45:  want to sleep  ,but  also  Can  sleep  ,Christian Louboutin Outlet,what will you do  ?A:  to  Q46: with  love together  ,when the most  happy  ?A:  when the mood is bad  ,hear me  impatient  .
Q47:  if the afterlife  can let  you choose to remember  or  don  lifetime,  what would you  choose  ?Why  ?A: don  remember  ,a  lifetime  to do again  with a new NANAFISH.  Q48:  who do you love most  ?A:  parents  .
Q49: you  and the people you like  if you know  not  what you will  do?  A:  concrete analysis of specific situations.  Q50:  to each other,  and  known in the arena  which one will you choose  ?A:  former  Q51:  received  the  name  mood is  what kind of?  A:  is not in a good mood,  and friends  for a number of things  to pull  in  pull  ,louboutin,not a little  trim.
  Q52: wake up  the first thing to do what  ??A:  pain  ,do not  wake up.  Q53: when you  tread  the  finish a job  ,suddenly  everything was gone  for some reason  ,what is your feeling?  A:  quite  angry  ,for example  about good friends and  to sing the  Cara OK  thing  ,want to  swearing  .
Q54:  when you are angry,  most  want to do?  A:  cry  ,but the  gas  into the depths  ,the tears  stay  down.  Q55: we  first met  you  remember  ?A  :  13#208 bedroom  balcony  above.  Q56:  girl replied  :Yang Guo and  Linghu Chong  between more  like  who  ?A:  don  .
Q57: if  this life you  love  can  appear  or are  you miss  ,you  will  choose the  lonely waiting  or  ?A:  my  request was  so high  ?Q58: I let  you kill me  ,you are  what kind of  ?A:  white silk  ,  golden beauty    inside classics  plot  !Q59:  love  ?Why  ?A:  fine.
  Q60:  this thing  who  do  ya  ??A:  PigHead  Q61:  primary school  ,middle school,  high school  ,University  which  stage  days give  you the most unforgettable?  Which stage  days give you  the most comfortable?  A:  primary school  in Q62:  if a man  for you to pay  a lot  for you  even  danger  you will  fling caution to the winds  to save him  ?A:  Q63:  you find the most  beautiful words  is  what  ?A:,  there is a way  .
Q64:  do you believe in  love  ?A:  Q65:  you  believe.  Think that  I will become a  gay or  bisexual  ?On  gay and bisexual  having?  A:  not  respect them  ;if  the truth  hurts  Q66:  that  you want  to hear the truth  or  be cheated  ?A:  the truth  ,hate the hypocrisy  and  camouflage  ,even  good  camouflage.
  Q67:  you and your  heart  Love  each other  know each other  love  ,and accept  their love  ,will you  give him  (  her  )  write  lovey-dovey  love  ?Why  ?A:  ,this is  a loving way  you think Q68:  are  sixty-eighth problems  want to  answer  it  ?A: when  it  finished  ,now I  as friends of  something  angry  !69: if the  friends around me  ,say you  with  the person you like doesn  fit  ,will you continue to  love  each other  ?A:  no  ,I  love  condition is very  simple  ,simple,  good to me  .
Q70:  if you  this again  ,will you accept  the last  section does not have the result  love  taboo  ?A: no,Christian Louboutin Outlet,  I hope that  my  investment  return.  Q71:  nostalgia and  Prospect of  you  which one  more?  A:  nostalgia  ,because  irresolute and hesitant  .
Q72: I  do  make you the most unforgettable  ?A:  low-key  ..Q73:  why you  would listen to my  answer  in  72  ?A:  it  a little bit  .Q74:  love  for you  meaning?  Tell me about your  first love  ?A:  learned to  express their  love  ,but  the  people have  not.
  Q75:  your definition of happiness  is HH  ?A: quiet  ,calm  Q76:  rationale  .Want to  object  ?A:  low-key,  refused to answer.  How Q77:  allows you to  send  me a birthday present  ?A: this  is a  trap  ?You  sent me a birthday  present.
  Q78: how to make  you move  ?A: told me  during the period of University  ,the person you most admire  is nanafish.  Q79:2007  the most  happy  ,Louboutin Shoes,most proud of  ?A:  things  .Q80:  will you  be?  A: no man  .
Q81:  if you  encounter one thing  ,either  to the left or to the right  are  mixed,  how will you  ?A:  don  !After all,  a woman is a kind  of  animal  won  ,day  know  that  what would you  do  !Q83: you  now  want to do a  thing is what  ?A:  don  Q84:  are you a  contented person  ?A: yes  .
Q85:  no matter what the distance is  ,separated by  long,  we are still  good  friends  ,is  ?A: yes  .I especially  in private  emotional  fluctuations,  you are a  clear  tutorial  !Q86: has  no  friends  ,for more than 1 months  without contact  ?A:  are a lot  ,but  I  can  only  Q87:  every day  happy  ?A: happy  is easy to say  ,hard to do  .
Q88:08  want to  make  three  thing  ?The A: money  ,money  ,filial piety parents  Q89:  heart is  hate,  you will pretend to be  with his  good  looks  ?A: no,  I will talk to him  (  her  )  to maintain a considerable  distance.
  Q90:2007  years passed  half,  what do you got  ?A: flicker  is a door knowledge  ,some  things  depends on the fate  . Q91: doesn  who you love  love or not love  you  how do you do  ?A:  observe  .
Q92:  see this  game,  you want  what?  A: Hello  boring  !I also  more  boring  .Q93: when  their own ideals and  loving  parents  contrary to  what will you do  ?A:  loving  parents.  What Q94: did was  really  want  ?A:  not.
  There are many  ,especially  after work  .Q95:  did you have a good time  ?A:  fine,  good and bad  are relative  .Q96: most  want to say  a word.  A:  this evening I think  an  Q97:  their own shortcomings  .
What is it?  A:  personality is too  strong  ,Christian Louboutin Shoes,irresolute and hesitant  .Q97: now feeling  is it right?  :&quot  ;&quot  ;finally  finished  !?A: yes  Q98:  done  is  what feeling?  A  :continue to  repeat the game  continue to  harm  you  .
Q99:  is it right?  Very confused ah  ?A  :confused now  ,are  also  an  later  (  &quot  ;he  is  an  &quot  ;Changsha  ,deceived)  Q100: you will  choose the single  ?A:  are you to tell me  ,man is a social animal.
  Q101:  you feel  me the  most  do not like  the  place where?  A:  nonsense  .Q102:  write down what you think  unrelated  to your  most significant effect on the  opposite sex  name  prefix  .(  this is the  lotus flower  increasing problem  !)  A:L  W my question is  :Q103:  work  had to  do  how  ?The article  one word does not  pull  through  people  ,must be super  strong  Oh  !Oh  ,I also  very powerful  !QQ  space  on  published articles  there are  restrictions on the number of words  ,I actually  cannot be written  .
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