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zjjxzhangyu  高级海盗  2012-7-30 01:18:19 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国浙江嘉兴
Nr        blocks        Author        Title        ISBN        Edition        Publisher
M1        1.1-4.4        S. Zumdahl        Chemistry        0618706968        7th ed. 2007        Houghton
M2        1.1-4.4        A.Croft, R. Davison        Mathematics for Engineers        013120193X        2nd   revised
ed. 2006        Pearson
M3        PFT4:2.2-4.4
PFT3:1.2-3.4        D.C. Mont**ry and G.C. Runger        Applied Statistics and Probability for Engineers; International Student Version        0-471-17027-5       
2nd  ed.
2010        J. Wiley &Sons
M4        1.1-4.4        R.P.Singh, D.R.Heldman        Food Engineering        0-12-646384-0        4rd ed., 2009        Academic Press
M5        1.1-4.4        P. Atkins & J. de Paula        Elements of Physical Chemistry        978-0-19-922672-6        5th ed.
2009        Oxford
M6        1.3-4.4        M. Ashby, H. Shercliff and D. Cebon        Materials; Engineering, science, processing and design        978-1-85617-895-2
2nd ed.
2010        Butterworth-Heinemann/Elsevier
M7        PFT4: 2.4-4.4
PFT3:1.4-3.4        A.K. van der Vegt        From Polymers to Plastics        978-90-71301-62-9        1st printed
ed. 2006        VSSD
M8        1.1-4.4        R.Grit, R.Guit, N vd Sijde         Managing your Competencies        90-01-50000-5        2006        Wolters Noordhoff
M9        1.1-4.4        R.Grit        Project Management        90-01-34702-9        2003        Wolters Noordhoff
M10                N.G.Marriot, R.B.Graviani        Principles of Food Sanitation        0-387-25025-5        5th ed., 2006        Springer
M11                G.T. Austin        Shreve ‘s Chemical Process Industries        0070661677        5th ed, 1984        McGraw-Hill
zjjxzhangyu  高级海盗  2012-7-30 01:18:55 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国浙江嘉兴
Mathematics for Engineers
Applied Statistics and Probability for Engineers; International Student Version
Food Engineering
Elements of Physical Chemistry
Materials; Engineering, science, processing and design
From Polymers to Plastics
Managing your Competencies
Project Management
Principles of Food Sanitation
Shreve ‘s Chemical Process Industries
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