偶目前在荷兰某大学的运筹学与物流系读Research master variant (研究型硕士变体), 不是MPPLI, 因为我们大学目前还不能授予MPPLI. 我目前平均分8.1(除去两门多选学分的无关选修课,可不包含在最后的transcripts 中),我目前在写大论文, 导师是assistant professor,他对我很满意,估计论文可能给偶9分。
前天,偶作完proposal presentation 后,问我专业的老板,是否明年有岗位让偶做PHD, 老板说明年一月份有,但是从他的话里我感觉他可能更想要荷兰学生,还有就是硕士论文题目要与博士岗位高度相关。
于是,偶昨天写了一封很长的motivation letter 发给老板,把我自我感觉的优势都罗列了出来,并向他询问明年PHD的内容,因为我想把小论文的题目跟PHD的主题联系起来,增加机会,下面是老板给偶的回信,
Thank you Guo for this motivation email. Always nice to get such ambitious emails.
As stated we will hopefully be able to start with new phd projects january next year. Coming half year we are developping these projects so the content is not yet determined. I have noted your ambition and will discuss the possibilities with your thesis superviser in the coming period. Focus now on doing an excellent job in your master thesis. When we both see opportunities to work on a phd project we have coming year to define the project.
I suggest we have a meeting in march to explore the possibilities for the phd project. Funding as well as content.
[ 本帖最后由 GXZ228 于 2010-1-15 20:03 编辑 ] |