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EP_M  四海霸王  2009-12-7 11:14:48 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰
it is not possible to get opvangtoeslag (day care tax refund) if you don't work( real work, pay tax).
it may be possible to get some money from your townhall. but I am not sure. becasue your case does not belong yo any situation that town hall need to support. but it is worthy to talk to them first.
if you bring your kid when he/she is 4 years old, he/she can diretly go to school. but then you still need pay afterschool care, it is not cheap as well. (5 euro per hr).
As a mum who has passed dutch PhD period and is working now as postdoc with a kid here, I feel that it is quite hard already for compleing PhD itself. When you don't bring your family together, it will be very difficult to handle the study/work and taking care of you kid alone, even he/she will be in daycare. if you do so, you may feel depressed.
So i suggest  you to leave your kid at home, and chat with him/her by webcam often. that will be better for you both. if you feel can not leave your kid, better not come here.
info in dutch only
Kan ik kinderopvangtoeslag 2010 krijgen?

[ 本帖最后由 EP_M 于 2009-12-7 11:19 编辑 ]
人在Eindhoven  高级海盗  2009-12-7 14:24:07 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰



孩子来之后,4岁之前上幼儿园,费用特别多,有超过1千多欧的,4岁就可以上小学,但是一般3.30,周三还是12:00放学,还有很多假期,学习日,所以只能送到KINGDEROPVANG, 这个费用是一个月是好几百欧,有退税就好多了,没有退税的,简直是不可能,你如果没有缴税,也当然没有退税一说。哦,如果是荷兰当地学校的话。上小学是免费的,如果你想上国际学校,Eindhoven RIS 一年 3420 欧,这个是不退税的,自己出,政府不管。

ying726_7  初上贼船  2009-12-8 07:04:01 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国江苏南京
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