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我要去的学校是utrecht school of the arts
专业是MA of fine art,,,现在遇到一些疑问,我很早就拿到offer了,但还在等其它学校的通知,所以还没有回信。
第一个问题是: 学校是艺术硕士,但是学校说最后拿的文凭要由英国的大学颁发。
学校是这样说的:Dear Student,
The MA-course you’ve applied for is validated by the Open University and subject to the stringent quality standards maintained under QAA (Quality Assurance) regulations of United Kingdom higher education. When you’ve successfully completed the programme you’ll receive a postgraduate (MA) Open University validated Award.
The MA is recognized in all countries acknowledging United Kingdom degrees and awards. It is up to the country of the student’s origin to legalise the diploma.
In the recent past students from some countries (for example China) have had difficulties with legalising their diploma, that’s why we inform you about the above

请问是有这样的情况吗? 这个文凭国内是否承认呢 ?

学校说:"...The rooms in the Kruisstraat and some of the rooms in the Kanaalstraat are double rooms: you share your room with one other person. The rooms in the F.C. Donderstraat and some of the rooms in the Kanaalstraat are single rooms. In all cases you share the kitchen and bathroom with other students. The price of a room is for one person between €400 - €425 for a double room and €425 - €625 for a single room. The contract you sign is for 12 months without the possibility to cancel the contract before the end of the term.

The SSH charges a mediation fee of €175...."

我问过一个荷兰的校友,他是本地人,他说:Normal prices should be around the 250/350 for a none-shared room, with shared kitchen/bathroom facilities. The prices vary a bit on the place/location etc



panpanmi  见习海盗  2009-5-22 18:25:06 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国上海
我的email是 :yumetan@gmail.com
不会功夫的熊猫  四海霸王  2009-5-22 19:37:02 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰
panpanmi  见习海盗  2009-5-23 04:54:02 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国上海

房子的话,,,我听当地人说是250~350欧元可以租到none shared room (厨房和卫生间合用)
所以我认为是贵了。。。大家觉得呢 ?
不会功夫的熊猫  四海霸王  2009-5-23 20:28:53 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰
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